- Transient Note Taking and full screen annotation
- Only 6 note 'pads'
- Tray resident only
- Saves to local storage (no import/export)
- Can be locked to stay on top of other windows
- Toggle into sketch mode to free draw or create shapes (with color picker)
- Toggle transparency vs. vibrancy modes (glass look)
- Note scrolling with hidden content indicators on the edges
- Ctrl+click on note button to delete all entries (with confirmation)
- Double-click the header to maximize and go into full screen/transparent mode to annotate docs. (Primary use-case is for telecommunication where you may want to mark-up a shared document for discussion.)
Clone repo
Provided instructions assume you are using npm as your package manager
Code has not been tested with other package managers such as Yarn
Navigate to directory and run 'npm install' to install dependencies
Some npm scripts are already setup in package.json
'npm start' will launch the app (alternatively you can use 'electron .')
You can uncomment the dev tools load on start up in main.js (~webContents.openDevTools())
To debug main.js you can use the following commands (assumes you are using npm):
'npm run debug' will launch in main process debug mode on port 7070
'npm run break' will launch the app and break at entry point also on port 7070
Use chrome://inspect and configure the target with above port