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Juri Barthel edited this page May 17, 2021 · 1 revision

Dr. Probe - command-line tools (drprobe_clt)

These software tools are meant to work as a chain for high-resolution STEM and TEM image simulations applying the multislice algorithm [1].

  1. CELSLC - generate object transmission functions of structure slices from an atomic structure model
  2. MSA - calculate STEM images, CBED patterns, 4D-STEM, or exit-plane wave functions for TEM image simulations
  3. WAVIMG - calculate TEM images from exit-plane wave functions

Alternative documentation can be found on the Dr. Probe website and the Dr. Probe paper [2].


[1] J.M. Cowley and A.F. Moodie, Acta Cryst. 10 (1957) p. 609-618,

[2] J. Barthel, Ultramic. 193 (2018) p. 1-11,, also available as preprint.

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