This repository contains part of the materials created for the different javascript trainings i've been doing since 2010
This part includes:
- Javascript Basics as a programming language (variables, operators, conditionals, loops, data types, ...)
- Important concepts associated to the language and how to manage them (JSON, AJAX, Events, DOM, BOM, ...)
- Some other concepts that are a bit more advanced but also fundamentals to understand the "power" of the language (closures, regular expressions, objects, inheritance)
This material cover the following contents:
Javascript Basics
- Clear Ideas, JS History, ECMAScript
- Variables, Data Types and Operators
- Conditions and Loops
- Functions (Predefined, Callback, Closures...)
- Arrays and Objects (Constructors)
- Global Objects (Object, Function, Array, Number, Boolean, Math and Date)
Javascript Advanced
- Array Object and Higher Order Functions (Functional Programming)
- Regular Expressions
Javascript & jQuery
Besides of the links used in the documents, the following books has been an important source of information for the materials:
- JavaScript: The Good Parts by Douglas Crockford
- Object-Oriented JavaScript by Stoyan Stefanov
- JavaScript Patterns by Stoyan Stefanov
You're free to use this material according to the license's term ( If you uses this material for some training, i'd love to hear about it (
These Materials are all under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Everyone is free to share and edit them as long as they keep staying under this licence and there is an attribution for where they got it from - generally saying and linking to this repository is considered sufficient.
Copyright ©2016 Juan Manuel Garrido