Software for media (lyrics, images, videos, countdown, window capture) projection
Just open a PR or an issue. If you notice any bug, please, let me know.
There's only support to pt-BR right now.
- Java 21 required
If you don't have git configured to create symlinks, you have to delete the
file and instead create a symlink. You can do this by opening a Command Prompt with admin permissions and running:cd windows\native\LibRender\LibRender del src mklink /d src ..\..\..\..\core\native
First, generate the lib render JNI headers: (You may use the
Generate Headers
IntelliJ Run Config)mvn compile -pl core
on Visual Studio -
On Visual Studio, compile LibRender dynamic library
Package the Windows jar (You may run the
Package Windows
IntelliJ Run Config)mvn clean package -pl core,windows
The Windows
should be created atwindows/target/projector-windows-x.x-jar-with-dependencies.jar
Be sure to have gcc installed and also the opengl library development headers
Just run (Or, use the Package Linux
IntelliJ Run Config)
mvn clean package -pl core,linux
Install VLC Player App
Install GLFW via Brew
brew install glfw
Generate the lib render JNI headers: (You may use the
Generate Headers
IntelliJ Run Config)mvn compile -pl core
Open the XCode project and compile the libProjector
Package the OSx jar (You may run the
Package MacOs
IntelliJ Run Config)mvn clean package -pl core,osx
The OSx
should be created atosx/target/projector-osx-x.x-jar-with-dependencies.jar
Note: The OSx project is not done yet. There are missing platform dependent features: Video Device capture and Window capture
To execute projector software you will need:
- GPU with OpenGL 3.2 and GLSL 1.0 support (you can even use mesa, however performance may be degraded)
- 2GB free ram for running the software
No special requirements
- This software only works with X11.
- Install Java 21
- Install Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable
- Install VLC Player (version 3.x)
- You must install VLC 64 bits. Pay attention that VLC website by default directs to the 32 bits version. Be sure to select the 64 bits distribution.
- Install VLC Player on the default location. Other locations won't work with this software
- Install Java 21
- Install Vlc Player from Ubuntu Software, or from your package manager
The default window config will create a projection window at the first non-primary monitor.
This can be changed, and there's also a wonderful world of possibilities:
- Support for blending projectors (Blending, advanced color matching, black level adjust)
- Support for live broadcast lyrics output (with green background)
- Support for stage monitors
- Full automatic and output independent lyrics line breaking (it can break lines for main output while keeping non-broken lines for live broadcast output)
- Splitting screen support (you may use a 2x2 HDMI Wall Controller and split 1 video output into 4 independent outputs)