This machine learning analysis was completed as an assignment for my Master’s program course, Environmental Data Science 232: Machine Learning. It was assigned by our professor, Dr. Ben Best, as an introduction to machine learning by predicting presence of a chosen species from observations and environmental data found on the Global Biodiversity Information Facility site. It follows guidance found at Species distribution modeling | R Spatial .
My chosen species is coyote brush (Baccharis pilularis). Baccharis pilularis is native to the west coast of the United States (Oregon, California, and Baja California, Mexico). It is a shrub in the Asteraceae (Sunflower) family with oblanceolate to obovate toothed leaves, panicle-like inflorescence with staminate flowers that when mature mimic snow, and generally sticky (not a pun).
- Fetch species observations from the Global Biodiversity Information Facility ( using an R package that wraps a function around their API.
- Fetch environmental data for defining environmental relationship in the species distribution model (SDM).
- Generate pseudo-absences, or background, points with which to differentiate from the species presence points in the SDM.
- Extract underlying environmental data from points.
- Plot term plots of each environmental predictor with the species response.
- Pairs plot to show correlation between variables and avoid multicollinearity (see 8.2 Many predictors in a model)
Logistic Regression seen as an evolution of techniques
- Linear Model to show simplest multivariate regression, but predictions can be outside the binary values.
- Generalized Linear Model uses a logit transformation to constrain the outputs to being within two values.
- Generalized Additive Model allows for "wiggle" in predictor terms.
- Maxent (Maximum Entropy) is a presence-only modeling technique that allows for a more complex set of shapes between predictor and response.
Decision Trees Use Decision Trees as a Classification technique to the data with the response being categorical (
). -
Recursive Partitioning (
Originally called classification & regression trees (CART), but that's copyrighted (Breiman, 1984). -
Random Forest (
Actually an ensemble model, ie trees of trees. -
Complete the modeling workflow with the steps to evaluate model performance and calibrate model parameters.
caret | dismo | dplyr |
DT | GADMTools | GGally |
ggplot2 | here | htmltools |
leaflet | maptools | mapview |
pdp | purrr | ranger |
raster | readr | rgbif |
rgdal | rJava | rpart |
rsample | sdmpredictors | sf |
skimr | spocc | tidyr |
usdm | vip |