A simple program to draw a rectangle of fixed color to the Linux frame buffer display. The rectangle will have a border of fixed color, 10 pixels wide.
Used for display driver development.
Assuming a Yocto built toolchain
make -f Makefile-cross
The default Makefile-cross
assumes a hard-fp built gcc.
Comment the hard-fp line and uncomment the soft-fp line if that's what you have.
root@overo:~# ./fbtest -h
Usage ./fbtest: [-r<red>] [-g<green>] [-b<blue>] [-B<border>]
All colors default to 0xff
The border color applies to all rgb and is 10 pixels wide
If border is not provided, none is drawn.
The index defaults to 0, if your FB has more than 1 buffers, you can set it.
If set the index to -1, we will use all buffers for 20 times.
root@overo:~# ./fbtest
root@overo:~# ./fbtest -r0x40
root@overo:~# ./fbtest -r0x40 -g0 -b0
root@overo:~# ./fbtest -r0x80 -g0 -b0
root@overo:~# ./fbtest -r0xff -g0 -b0
root@overo:~# ./fbtest -r0x40 -g0 -b0
root@overo:~# ./fbtest -r0x40 -g0x40 -b0
root@overo:~# ./fbtest -r0x40 -g0x40 -b0x30
root@overo:~# ./fbtest -r0x40 -g0x40 -b0x30 -B0xaa
root@overo:~# ./fbtest -r0x40 -g0x40 -b0x30 -B0xaa -i -1
Kernel command line parameter
echo 0 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/blank