2.2 Compute Resources 计算资源... 10
2.2.1 Execute 1,000,000 of FMA: 简单循环100万次... 10
2.2.2 Specified Loop Unroll: 指定循环展开大小... 13
2.2.4 Increasing Threads In Parallel :增加并行线程... 14
2.2.5 Enough Parallel Threads: 足够多线程充满64个计算单元... 14
2.6 Memory Read Latency:显存读写延迟... 22
2.6.1 L2 Cache Miss: 直接从显存读写... 22
2.6.2 CacheLine Length: 缓存行长度... 23
2.6.3 L1/L2 Cacheline Hit Latency:一/二级缓存命中延时... 24
2.7 Alternative Method to measure CacheLine Size:另一组测试Cacheline长度... 25
2.7.2 Divergence for Memory Read/Write:显存访问分歧... 25
2.8 NCHW-4D Index Generation: 4D数组索引生成... 25
2.9 Local Data Share:本地数据共享... 26
2.10 Memory Channel Conflicts:存储通道冲突... 28
2.11 Math Functions:数学函数... 29
2.13 Padding Before Convolution. 31
2.13.2 Optimize Kernel to Remove Scratch Memory. 33
HIP允许并行程序开发者无缝移植CUDA C++代码。HIP源代码(包括从CUDA移植的HIP代码)可以被CUDA编译执行在 NVIDIA GPU或者被HIPCC编译执行在AMD GPU上。HIP包括以下关键 特性:
- HIP是一个轻量级的,它几乎不会对CUDA(或 hcc “HC”)代码造成性能影响,
- HIP允许使用C++程序设计语言版本的多种特性编程,例如模板,C++11 Lambdas表达式,类,名字空间等。
- HIP允许开发者使用基于目标平台的最佳开发环境和工具链。
- “hipify”工具能够自动将CUDA源代码移植到HIP.
- 开发者可以指定平台(CUDA或 hcc)进行性能调试或者处理棘手问题。
- HIP Kernel Language
- HIP Runtime API (Doxygen)
- HIP Porting Guide
- HIP Porting Driver Guide
- HIP Programming Guide
- Samples:
- Examples:
本讲座中所有测试均基于AMD Radeon MI25或者硬件。如果改为其他硬件,需要修改计算核心的频率,Mi25对应的核心频率为1.536 Ghz。
AMD GCN硬件约定64 Threads 一个 wave,一个block可以有1-16个wave。硬件生成Threads的速率将直接影响最终程序的效率, 例如GPU显存的读写速度。 为了测试Vega10的Threads 速率, 我们可以写一个最简单的设备空函数,
__global__ void
null_kernel(hipLaunchParm lp,
float* __restrict__ a)
======================== ROCm System Management Interface ======================== ================================================================================================ GPU Temp AvgPwr SCLK MCLK PCLK Fan Perf PwrCap SCLK OD MCLK OD GPU% 0 69.0c 19.0W 1536Mhz 945Mhz 8.0GT/s, x16 12.94% manual 220.0W 0% 0% 0% ================================================================================================ ======================== End of ROCm SMI Log ======================== |
Threads速率是否与Block速率相关?这仍然是一个谜。因此测试程序暂时将每个 Block的Threads设置为最大值 1024。
为了获得准备的时间, 使用hipEventCreate函数产生两个事件 start, stop,通过hipEventRecord记录两个事件,并调用hipEventSynchronize确保stop是同步事件并被正确执行,hipEventElapsedTime(&eventMs, start, stop)函数将获得start, stop两个event的时间长度, 单位是毫秒。代码如下:
hipEvent_t start, stop;
hipEventRecord(start, NULL);
dim3(1024*1024, 1),
dim3(1024, 1, 1),
0, 0,
hipEventRecord(stop, NULL);
hipEventElapsedTime(&eventMs, start, stop);
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "hip/hip_runtime.h"
#define HIP_ASSERT(x) (assert((x)==hipSuccess))
#define TOTAL_THREADS (1024*1024*1024)
#define NUM 1
#define THREADS_PER_BLOCK_X 1024
__global__ void
null_kernel(hipLaunchParm lp,
float* __restrict__ a)
using namespace std;
int main() {
float* hostA;
float* deviceA;
hipDeviceProp_t devProp;
hipGetDeviceProperties(&devProp, 0);
cout << " System minor " << devProp.minor << endl;
cout << " System major " << devProp.major << endl;
cout << " agent prop name " << << endl;
cout << "hip Device prop succeeded " << endl ;
hipEvent_t start, stop;
float eventMs = 1.0f;
int i;
int errors;
hostA = (float*)malloc(NUM * sizeof(float));
HIP_ASSERT(hipMalloc((void**)&deviceA, NUM * sizeof(float)));
dim3(1, 1),
0, 0,
hipEventRecord(start, NULL);
0, 0,
hipEventRecord(stop, NULL);
hipEventElapsedTime(&eventMs, start, stop);
printf("kernel_time (hipEventElapsedTime) =%6.3fms\\n", eventMs);
printf("Threads_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = % 3d\\n", int(TOTAL_THREADS / eventMs / 1.536 / 1e6));
return errors;
使用如下指令编译 example-1a.cpp
hipcc example-1a.cpp -o example-1a.exe
System minor 0
System major 3 agent prop name Device 687f hip Device prop succeeded kernel_time (hipEventElapsedTime) =10.890ms Threads_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 64 |
第一个简单测试获得MI25的线程速率为 64 threads/cycle,那么是不是所有1D 形状块均可获得极限速率呢?
Example2.cpp 将测试 自小而大不同的BlockDim, Dim3(1,1,1), Dim3(2,1,1), Dim3(4,1,1),Dim3(8,1,1), …,(1024,1,1)。获得如下结果:
System minor 0
System major 3 agent prop name Device 687f hip Device prop succeeded kernel_time (hipEventElapsedTime) =2789.162ms threads_per_block = 1,Threads_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 0 kernel_time (hipEventElapsedTime) =1395.156ms threads_per_block = 2,Threads_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 1 kernel_time (hipEventElapsedTime) =697.689ms threads_per_block = 4,Threads_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 1 kernel_time (hipEventElapsedTime) =348.875ms threads_per_block = 8,Threads_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 2 kernel_time (hipEventElapsedTime) =174.456ms threads_per_block = 16,Threads_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 4 kernel_time (hipEventElapsedTime) =87.238ms threads_per_block = 32,Threads_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 8 kernel_time (hipEventElapsedTime) =43.629ms threads_per_block = 64,Threads_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 16 kernel_time (hipEventElapsedTime) =21.828ms threads_per_block = 128,Threads_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 32 kernel_time (hipEventElapsedTime) =10.929ms threads_per_block = 256,Threads_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 64 kernel_time (hipEventElapsedTime) =10.914ms threads_per_block = 512,Threads_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 64 kernel_time (hipEventElapsedTime) =10.909ms threads_per_block = 1024,Threads_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 64 |
举例, 在深度学习中有大量的简单操作, 例如Copy, 激活函数,如果程序使用了比256小的BlockDim, 那么程序将很难达到理论值, 例如64,那么理论极限很有可能是64/256。深度学习经常使用Padding Copy, 如果 H x W = 7x7, Padding= 3, 那么理论极限将会是13*13/256 = 66%。
以上两种情况, 如果程序能够将原来4 threads的工作合并到一个thread,每个线程处理的事务随之提高到4倍,例如读写操作,将极大地提高理论极限。
Case1 : min ( 64 *4, 256 ) = 256
Case 2: min ( 13 * 13 *4, 256) = 256 |
本节将测试2D 形状Block 的线程速率,前两节已知1D最大线程数为1024,那么对应最大的 BlockDim应该为 Dim3(32, 32,1), 最小为Dim3(1,1,1),这样可以组成32个不同的测试组合。
threads_per_block = [1,1,1],Threads_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 0
threads_per_block = [2,2,1],Threads_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 1 threads_per_block = [3,3,1],Threads_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 2 threads_per_block = [4,4,1],Threads_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 4 threads_per_block = [5,5,1],Threads_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 6 threads_per_block = [6,6,1],Threads_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 9 threads_per_block = [7,7,1],Threads_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 12 threads_per_block = [8,8,1],Threads_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 16 threads_per_block = [9,9,1],Threads_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 20 threads_per_block = [10,10,1],Threads_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 25 threads_per_block = [11,11,1],Threads_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 30 threads_per_block = [12,12,1],Threads_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 36 threads_per_block = [13,13,1],Threads_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 42 threads_per_block = [14,14,1],Threads_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 49 threads_per_block = [15,15,1],Threads_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 56 threads_per_block = [16,16,1],Threads_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 64 threads_per_block = [17,17,1],Threads_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 58 threads_per_block = [18,18,1],Threads_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 54 threads_per_block = [19,19,1],Threads_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 60 threads_per_block = [20,20,1],Threads_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 57 threads_per_block = [21,21,1],Threads_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 63 threads_per_block = [22,22,1],Threads_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 60 threads_per_block = [23,23,1],Threads_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 59 threads_per_block = [24,24,1],Threads_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 64 threads_per_block = [25,25,1],Threads_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 62 threads_per_block = [26,26,1],Threads_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 61 threads_per_block = [27,27,1],Threads_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 61 threads_per_block = [28,28,1],Threads_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 60 threads_per_block = [29,29,1],Threads_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 60 threads_per_block = [30,30,1],Threads_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 60 threads_per_block = [31,31,1],Threads_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 60 threads_per_block = [32,32,1],Threads_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 64 |
HIP也提供3D 形状的Block, 1024最大线程数转化为三维形状,可以为Dim( 16,16,4), Dim( 32,16,2), Dim(8,8,64)等。下面我们选择一些特殊形状, 测试其性能变化,Dim3(1,1,1),Dim3(2,2,2), Dim3(3,3,3),Dim3(4,4,4),Dim3(5,5,5),Dim3(6,6,6), Dim3(7,7,7),Dim3(8,8,8),Dim3(9,9,9)和Dim3(10,10,10)。
threads_per_block = [1,1,1],Threads_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 0
threads_per_block = [2,2,2],Threads_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 2 threads_per_block = [3,3,3],Threads_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 7 threads_per_block = [4,4,4],Threads_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 16 threads_per_block = [5,5,5],Threads_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 31 threads_per_block = [6,6,6],Threads_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 54 threads_per_block = [7,7,7],Threads_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 57 threads_per_block = [8,8,8],Threads_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 64 threads_per_block = [9,9,9],Threads_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 61 threads_per_block = [10,10,10],Threads_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 62 |
Vega64有64个计算单元(compute unit),每个计算单元有64个乘加器。那么每个计算单元能够64 FMAs/Cycle,64个计算单元的能力为4096 cycles/ cycle,每个乘法包含一个乘法和加法,算做两个浮点运算,乘以频率1.536Ghz = 15.6T Flops/s。我们下面将研究HIPCC如何在单个计算单元获得64 FMAs /cycle.
256 threads执行100万次FMA,只有64个乘加器,那么每个乘加器需要执行400万条指令,那么执行时间最短时间为 4/1.536 = 2.6毫秒。编译器通常带有许多有优化技术,它会优化掉对最终结果无贡献的大量计算,因此程序必须迷惑编译器,假装程序一定会产生输出。
#define FMA_PER_THREADS 1000000
__global__ void
test_kernel(hipLaunchParm lp,
float* __restrict__ a)
int x = hipBlockDim_x * hipBlockIdx_x + hipThreadIdx_x;
int y = hipBlockDim_y * hipBlockIdx_y + hipThreadIdx_y;
float t0 = (float)x / (float) (x + 1);
float t1 = float(y + 1) / (float)(y + 100000000);
float sum=0.0;
for(int i =0; i < FMA_PER_THREADS;i++)
sum = t0 *sum + t1;
if( (float(x)+sum) < -1.0f)
a[0] = sum;
hipcc example-2a.cpp -o example-2a.exe |
hcc 提供了一个反汇编工具 /opt/rocm/hcc/bin/extractkernel。用如下命令获得上述test_kernel的GCN汇编代码:
extractkernel -i ./example-2a.exe |
Generated GCN ISA for gfx900 at: ./example-2a.exe-gfx900.isa |
000000000000124c BB0_1:
- 40个v_mad_f32指令,编译器做了默认40次循环展开,
- 两条SALU, s_sub_i32, s_cmp_lg_u32
- 一条跳转指令 s_cbranch_scc1
那么对应FMA指令的有效率为, 40/43 = 93%,乘以每个计算单元的64个乘加器,理论上可以获得59个FMA /Cycle.
Total Threads = 1 * 256, FMA_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 44 |
#pragma unroll 100
for(int i =0; i < FMA_PER_THREADS;i++)
sum = t0 *sum + t1;
Total Threads = 1 * 256, FMA_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 48 |
- 100个v_mad_f32指令,完全匹配指定的循环展开次数100次
- 两条SALU, s_addk_i32, s_cmp_lg_u32
- 一条跳转指令
此时example-2b能获得理论性能为100/103 * 64 = 62 FMA/cycle/CU, example-2a高3 FMA/Cycle/CU,实际获得4 FMA/Cycle/CU的提升。实际效果良好。但是距离我们期待的 64 FMA/Cycle/CU仍然有比较大的差距。
for(int i =0; i < FMA_PER_THREADS/100;i++)
for(int j=0; j < 100; j++)
sum = t0 *sum + t1;
Total Threads = 1 * 256, FMA_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 59 |
两条SALU, s_add_i32, s_cmp_lg_u32
- s_add_i32 s2, s2, -1
这个结果很难解释为何example-3c.cpp 比example-3b.cpp获得大幅度的性能提升。仔细检查example-2b和example-2c的GCN汇编代码,另外一个微小区别是整个Kernel代码段的长度差了4个字节。一个可能测猜测是Instruction Cache有特定的尺寸,对于性能影响很大,如果整个循环体代码长度是Instruction Cache的完整倍数,那么将获得最优性能,否则最终的性能为实际指令编码的字节数与对应Cacheline之比。例如Instruction Cache为8 个DWORD,那么整个循环体最多损失14 DWORDs,103条指令编码总共203个DWORDs, 最少26条Cachelines,最多27条Cachelines,如果多一个不对齐的Cahceline, 那么最多损失8%的性能,或者5-6条FMA/Cycle/CU。如果Instruction Cache Line有两条不对齐的Cachelines,最大性能差距会达到11条 FMA/Cycle/CU。
256 threads意味着每个乘加器只有一个线程, 如果将每个乘加器的线程数量增加到2个,这样每个乘加器可以乒乓线程以隐藏延迟,是否能够提高计算单元的效率?
Total Threads = 1 * 256, FMA_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 59
Total Threads = 1 * 512, FMA_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 62 Total Threads = 1 * 768, FMA_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 63 Total Threads = 1 * 1024, FMA_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 63 |
前面四节讨论了如何获取单个计算单元的峰值性能,如果想要达到最佳性能,一个可能的办法是手写GCN assembly,然后仔细调整循环体Cacheline的长度,使得Assembly Shader无限接近理论最高性能。
这节我们将探究不同 Block数量对于性能的影响。下面这段程序使用双重循环测试峰值计算性能,Block从1,2,3, …, 128,BlockDim可选取 Dim3(256,1,1), Dim3(512, 1,1), Dim3(768,1,1)和 Dim3(1024,1,1)。
for (int i = 1; i < 5; i = i + 1) {
for (int j = 0; j < 129; j++)
hipEventRecord(start, NULL);
dim3(j, 1, 1),
dim3(THREADS_PER_BLOCK_X * i, 1, 1),
0, 0,
hipEventRecord(stop, NULL);
hipEventElapsedTime(&eventMs, start, stop);
printf("kernel_time (hipEventElapsedTime) =%6.3fms\\n", eventMs);
double FMA_per_cycle = double(THREADS_PER_BLOCK_X) * i *j * double(FMA_PER_THREDS) / eventMs / (1.536 * 1e6) + 0.5;
printf("Total Threads = %d * %d, FMA_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = %6d\\n", j, THREADS_PER_BLOCK_X * i,
编译执行example-2e.cpp将得到4x128=512不同的性能组合, 我们选取其中的10个组合。
kernel_time (hipEventElapsedTime) =10.630ms
Total Threads = 1 * 1024, FMA_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 63 kernel_time (hipEventElapsedTime) =10.639ms Total Threads = 2 * 1024, FMA_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 125 kernel_time (hipEventElapsedTime) =10.641ms Total Threads = 3 * 1024, FMA_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 188 Total Threads = 8 * 1024, FMA_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 499 kernel_time (hipEventElapsedTime) =10.720ms Total Threads = 16 * 1024, FMA_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 995 kernel_time (hipEventElapsedTime) =10.803ms Total Threads = 32 * 1024, FMA_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 1975 kernel_time (hipEventElapsedTime) =10.963ms Total Threads = 64 * 1024, FMA_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 3892 kernel_time (hipEventElapsedTime) =21.376ms Total Threads = 65 * 1024, FMA_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 2027 kernel_time (hipEventElapsedTime) =21.383ms Total Threads = 66 * 1024, FMA_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 2058 kernel_time (hipEventElapsedTime) =21.386ms |
上节我们讨论了计算单元和并行线程数的关系,并且分析了Instruction Cacheline对于性能的影响。每个计算线程还有非常重要的资源—VPGRs。当Kernel使用的VGPR资源过多, 就会造成只有一个Thread运行在对应的MAC,或者单一wave(64 threads)运行在一个SIMD,那么会造成严重的性能下降。如果线程使用的VGPR超过了硬件最大资源,编译器将会开辟一块内存,将超出部分暂时缓存到GPU显存,性能可能会下降到峰值性能的5%以下。
测试最大VGPR有很多方法, 例如构造一个VPGR的二叉树,防止编译器优化减少VGPR的数量,每次增加二叉树叶子节点的数量,指导性能剧烈突然下降为止。我这里采用另外一个简单方法,rocm 提供了一个内嵌汇编的方式,下面的这个 Kernel测试最大VGPR是否为V255,如果能够编译成功,那么可以VGPR总数为256。然后逐渐增大VGPR索引,看看是否编译无法通过,或者执行失败,那么上一个成功的索引值就是最大VGPR。
__global__ void
test_kernel_255(hipLaunchParm lp,
float* __restrict__ a)
asm volatile("v_mov_b32 v0, 0");
asm volatile("v_mov_b32 v255, 0" );
我们尝试编译并执行example-3a.cpp。编译和执行都顺利完成。然后再次用神器extractkernel查看 GCN assembly shader。发现程序只有如下三行代码:
v_mov_b32_e32 v0, 0 // 000000001100: 7E000280
v_mov_b32_e32 v255, 0 // 000000001104: 7FFE0280
s_endpgm // 000000001108: BF810000
__global__ void
test_kernel_256(hipLaunchParm lp,
float* __restrict__ a)
asm volatile("v_mov_b32 v0, 0");
asm volatile("v_mov_b32 v256, 0");
老规矩,调用 hipcc尝试编译example-3b.cpp。编译失败并获得下面错误信息:
:1:16: error: unknown token in expression
note: !srcloc = 833 :1:18: error: not a valid operand.
note: !srcloc = 833 Generating AMD GCN kernel failed in llc for target: gfx900 clang-8: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) |
SGPR在AMD GCN体系结构是非常重要的一项特性。SGPR第一个用途是读GPU显存常量到计算单元,例如图形渲染中的投影矩阵,纹理对象描述,纹理采样描述等。SGPR是可读可写, 它可以作为用于程序流程控制,例如循环变量, 从而减低SIMD VGPR的需求,同时也降低大部分循环控制的功耗。
同VGPR一样,SGPR资源也是有限的, 我们也可以采用内联汇编的方法测试最大SGPR。VGPR越界在编译的时候直接出错,理论SGPR也有同样的性质。Example-4a.cpp使用下面的Kernel寻找最大SGPR。
__global__ void
test_kernel_255(hipLaunchParm lp,
{ asm volatile("s_mov_b32 s0, 0"); asm volatile("s_mov_b32 s95, 0" ); asm volatile("s_mov_b32 s96, 0" ); asm volatile("s_mov_b32 s97, 0" ); asm volatile("s_mov_b32 s98, 0" ); asm volatile("s_mov_b32 s99, 0" ); asm volatile("s_mov_b32 s100, 0" ); asm volatile("s_mov_b32 s101, 0" ); asm volatile("s_mov_b32 s102, 0" ); asm volatile("s_mov_b32 s103, 0" ); asm volatile("s_mov_b32 s104, 0" ); asm volatile("s_mov_b32 s105, 0" ); asm volatile("s_mov_b32 s106, 0" ); asm volatile("s_mov_b32 s107, 0" ); asm volatile("s_mov_b32 s108, 0" ); asm volatile("s_mov_b32 s109, 0" ); } |
:1:16: error: unknown token in expression
note: !srcloc = 950 :1:18: error: not a valid operand.
note: !srcloc = 950 :1:16: error: unknown token in expression
note: !srcloc = 990 :1:18: error: not a valid operand.
note: !srcloc = 990 :1:16: error: unknown token in expression
note: !srcloc = 1030 :1:18: error: not a valid operand.
note: !srcloc = 1030 :1:16: error: unknown token in expression
note: !srcloc = 1070 :1:18: error: not a valid operand.
note: !srcloc = 1070 :1:16: error: unknown token in expression
note: !srcloc = 1110 :1:18: error: not a valid operand.
note: !srcloc = 1110 :1:16: error: unknown token in expression
note: !srcloc = 1150 :1:18: error: not a valid operand.
note: !srcloc = 1150 :1:16: error: unknown token in expression
note: !srcloc = 1190 :1:18: error: not a valid operand.
note: !srcloc = 1190 :1:16: error: unknown token in expression
note: !srcloc = 1230 :1:18: error: not a valid operand.
note: !srcloc = 1230 Generating AMD GCN kernel failed in llc for target: gfx900 clang-8: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) |
在SIMD结构中, 有一种特殊的情况, 如果一个wave只有1个Thread和其他63个Threads执行路径不同,那么对性能有何影响,例如我们把2.2.1的代码修改如下:
if (hipThreadIdx_x == 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < FMA_PER_THREDS; i++){
sum = t0 * sum + t1;
else {
for (int i = 0; i < FMA_PER_THREDS; i++){
sum = t1 * sum + t0;
SIMD的特点是所有Threads必须执行相同的指令, 由于Thread0和其他代码路径不同, 那么编译器必须先生成Thread0的代码,然后生成剩余63个Threads的代码。那么SIMD则顺序Thread0的代码,然后Thread1-63的代码。那么性能将下降到2.2.1实例代码的50%。
是否可以改进这种分歧?把2.2.1的实例中循环体部分看作一个函数 foo,那么Thread0可以当作foo(t0, t1),thread1-63看做是foo(t1,t0),通过对参数的交换,实现所有线程调用同样参数,那么可以大大降低Divergence带来的性能下降。 参考下面test_kernel_optimize.
__global__ void
test_kernel_divergence(hipLaunchParm lp,
float* __restrict__ a)
int x = hipBlockDim_x * hipBlockIdx_x + hipThreadIdx_x;
int y = hipBlockDim_y * hipBlockIdx_y + hipThreadIdx_y;
float t0 = (float)x / (float)(x + 1);
float t1 = float(y + 1) / (float)(y + 100000000);
float sum = 0.0;
if (hipThreadIdx_x == 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < FMA_PER_THREDS; i++){
sum = t0 * sum + t1;
else {
for (int i = 0; i < FMA_PER_THREDS; i++){
sum = t1 * sum + t0;
if ((float(x) + sum) < -1.0f)
a[0] = sum;
__global__ void
test_kernel_optimize(hipLaunchParm lp,
float* __restrict__ a)
int x = hipBlockDim_x * hipBlockIdx_x + hipThreadIdx_x;
int y = hipBlockDim_y * hipBlockIdx_y + hipThreadIdx_y;
float t0 = (float)x / (float)(x + 1);
float t1 = float(y + 1) / (float)(y + 100000000);
float sum = 0.0;
if (hipThreadIdx_x == 0) {
float t = t0;
t1 = t0;
t0 = t;
for (int i = 0; i < FMA_PER_THREDS ; i++)
sum = t0 * sum + t1;
if ((float(x) + sum) < -1.0f)
a[0] = sum;
execute test kernel
kernel_time (hipEventElapsedTime) = 3.774ms Total Threads = 1 * 256, FMA_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 44 execute divergence kernel kernel_time (hipEventElapsedTime) = 8.119ms Total Threads = 1 * 256, FMA_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 21 execute optimized kernel kernel_time (hipEventElapsedTime) = 3.838ms Total Threads = 1 * 256, FMA_per_cycle for Vega10 - 1.536GHz = 43 |
读显存的延迟可以连续读不同的Cacheline,下一次读操作用前一次读操作的返回值,连续执行1,000,000次的有依赖关系的读操作,取平均即可获得读操作的延迟。我们目前还不知道如何Cacheline大小,而依据经验值,一条cacheline长度 可能为 16,32,64,128字节,因此我们程序读下一个值的地址比上一个地址大256DWORDs(1024字节),这样可以保证整个程序不会读两个相同的Cacheline。程序中buf的所有值为256。
__global__ void
test_kernel(hipLaunchParm lp,
int* __restrict__ buf)
int x = hipBlockDim_x * hipBlockIdx_x + hipThreadIdx_x;
int t = buf[x];
//dependency reads
for( int i=1; i < MAX_MEM_READS; i++)
t = buf[t * i ];
if( t > 0x3fffffff)
buf[x] = t;
kernel_time (hipEventElapsedTime) =442.050ms
mem_read_latency_cycle = 647 cycles for Vega10--1.536GHz |
v_mul_lo_u32 v2, v2, s3 // 000000001504: D2850002 00000702
__global__ void
test_kernel(hipLaunchParm lp,
int* __restrict__ buf, int rangesize, int totalreads)
int x = hipBlockDim_x * hipBlockIdx_x + hipThreadIdx_x;
int t = buf[x];
//dependency reads
for( int i=1; i < totalreads; i++)
int address = i * t * rangesize;
address = address - 1;
address = (address & (rangesize - 1)) | (address & (~(rangesize-1)));
t = buf[address];
if( t > 0x3fffffff)
buf[x] = t;
编译执行example-6b.cpp得到如下输出结果,可以得出结论 Cacheline长度为64字节。
RangeSize[ 16], kernel_time (hipEventElapsedTime) =4639.969ms
RangeSize[ 16], mem_read_latency_cycle = 361 cycles for Vega10--1.536GHz RangeSize[ 32], kernel_time (hipEventElapsedTime) =3060.621ms RangeSize[ 32], mem_read_latency_cycle = 476 cycles for Vega10--1.536GHz RangeSize[ 64], kernel_time (hipEventElapsedTime) =2192.251ms RangeSize[ 64], mem_read_latency_cycle = 682 cycles for Vega10--1.536GHz RangeSize[ 128], kernel_time (hipEventElapsedTime) =1093.262ms RangeSize[ 128], mem_read_latency_cycle = 681 cycles for Vega10--1.536GHz RangeSize[ 256], kernel_time (hipEventElapsedTime) =566.791ms RangeSize[ 256], mem_read_latency_cycle = 706 cycles for Vega10--1.536GHz |
Example-6c.cpp展示一个简单的Kernel测量一级缓存命中的延时。设置rangesize = 1024,4096字节远小于16KB L2 Cache,那么L1 Cache的命中率接近99%。 将步长设置为Cacheline大小16DWORDs==64字节,那么每次读取指令都会指向一个新的Cacheline。
__global__ void
test_kernel(hipLaunchParm lp,
int* __restrict__ buf, int rangesize, int totalreads)
int x = hipBlockDim_x * hipBlockIdx_x + hipThreadIdx_x;
int t = buf[x];
//dependency reads
for( int i=1; i < totalreads; i++)
int address = i * t * rangesize;
address = address - 1;
address = (address & (rangesize - 1));
t = buf[address];
if( t > 0x3fffffff)
buf[x] = t;
编译执行example-6c.cpp 得到如下结果:
RangeSize[ 4096], kernel_time (hipEventElapsedTime) =48.065ms
RangeSize[ 4096], mem_read_latency_cycle = 239 cycles for Vega10--1.536GHz |
0000000000001170 BB0_2:
Example-6d.cpp将rangesize修改为32768(128KB),编译执行获得如下结果。根据example-6c的分析,L2 CacheLIne命中的延时介于270-300个时钟周期之间。
RangeSize[ 131072], kernel_time (hipEventElapsedTime) =75.581ms
RangeSize[ 131072], mem_read_latency_cycle = 376 cycles for Vega10--1.536GHz |
Example-7c.cpp专门设计一个非常简单的方法产生显存读写分歧而导致的性能下降一半。让Thread0的显存地址计算和其他64个地址计算不同,这样编译器是否会产生两个不同global_store_dword指令,编译后检查Extractkernel产生的GCN assembly 代码,发现只有一条global_store_dword,对于这个简单的代码,HIPCC编译器表现良好。
__global__ void
test_kernel(hipLaunchParm lp,
int* __restrict__ buf, int divergence )
int x = hipBlockDim_x * hipBlockIdx_x + hipThreadIdx_x;
if ((hipThreadIdx_x & divergence) == divergence)
buf[x] = x;
buf[x&(NUM-1)] = x;
在优化CNN卷积运算中,需要实时生成索引进行加速。假设我们需要生成NCHW对应Channel=0时候NHW个元素的索引。下面是简单代码实现,BlockDim = Dim3(256,1,1), Grim = Dim3(H * W/256, N, 1)。
__global__ void
test_kernel(hipLaunchParm lp,
int* __restrict__ buf, int h, int w, int c)
int x = hipBlockDim_x * hipBlockIdx_x + hipThreadIdx_x;
int n = hipBlockIdx_y;
if (x < (h * w))
int nchw_offset = x + n * c * h * w;
int nhw_offset = x + n * h * w;
buf[nhw_offset] = nchw_offset;
N*H*W=[1024,56,56], hipEventElapsedTime =38.715 microseconds, 309.001966 GB/s |
GCN架构中LDS访问也是异步指令, 同显存读写指令一样,我们首先要获得LDS指令的延时。同理,使用一个线程,使用循环不断访问同一个地址,那么我们就可以获得LDS Latency。Mask防止访问越界, Thread0的Temp始终等于0, 该Mask并无特殊必要。
__global__ void
test_kernel(hipLaunchParm lp,
int* __restrict__ buf, int mask, int outerLloops)
int x = hipBlockDim_x * hipBlockIdx_x + hipThreadIdx_x;
__shared__ int ldsData[4096];
ldsData[hipThreadIdx_x] = buf[x];
int temp = hipThreadIdx_x;
for(int i = 0; i < outerLloops; i++){
for(int j = 0; j < INNER_LOOPS; j++)
temp = ldsData[temp] & mask;
if (temp > 0)
buf[x] = temp;
编译后example.cpp并使用extractkernel发现LDS read由如下序列指令:
v_and_b32_e32 v0, s0, v0
latency for Vega10(1.536Ghz): 63 cycles |
有32个Bank,如果每32threads中两个以上访问同一Bank,那么将造成Bank冲突,需要增加一个时钟周期来访问相同Bank的数据。下面的实例Buf的数据被初始化为和每个线程的hipThreadIdx_x相同,通过Stride来控制是否发生冲突,例如stride=1那么就是没有Bank冲突发生,否则有可能发生不同的Bank 冲突。
__global__ void
test_kernel(hipLaunchParm lp,
int* __restrict__ buf, int stride, int mask, int outerLloops)
int x = hipBlockDim_x * hipBlockIdx_x + hipThreadIdx_x;
__shared__ int ldsData[4096];
for (int i = 0; i < NUM; i += 64)
ldsData[hipThreadIdx_x + i] = buf[hipThreadIdx_x + i];
int temp = (hipThreadIdx_x * stride) & mask;
for(int i = 0; i < outerLloops; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < INNER_LOOPS; j++)
temp = ((ldsData[temp] + hipThreadIdx_x)*stride ) & mask;
if (temp > 0)
buf[x] = temp;
strdie = [1], latency for Vega10(1.536Ghz): 87 cycles
strdie = [2], latency for Vega10(1.536Ghz): 90 cycles strdie = [3], latency for Vega10(1.536Ghz): 87 cycles strdie = [4], latency for Vega10(1.536Ghz): 93 cycles strdie = [5], latency for Vega10(1.536Ghz): 87 cycles strdie = [6], latency for Vega10(1.536Ghz): 87 cycles strdie = [7], latency for Vega10(1.536Ghz): 85 cycles strdie = [8], latency for Vega10(1.536Ghz): 99 cycles strdie = [9], latency for Vega10(1.536Ghz): 85 cycles strdie = [10], latency for Vega10(1.536Ghz): 87 cycles strdie = [11], latency for Vega10(1.536Ghz): 87 cycles strdie = [12], latency for Vega10(1.536Ghz): 91 cycles strdie = [13], latency for Vega10(1.536Ghz): 87 cycles strdie = [14], latency for Vega10(1.536Ghz): 89 cycles strdie = [15], latency for Vega10(1.536Ghz): 87 cycles strdie = [16], latency for Vega10(1.536Ghz): 115 cycles |
可以采用另外一个方法证明这个问题,做一个Excel表格,第一列依次为Thread ID 0-255,第二列为对应Stride=1的地址 == ThreadID * Stride, 第三列为对应的Bank ID = (ThreadID * Stride) % 32,变换Stride,看看是否Bank ID能够均匀分布在0-31,如不能,则发生Bank Conflicts。
#define PROTECT_BITS (0xFFFF0000)
__global__ void
test_kernel(hipLaunchParm lp,
int* __restrict__ buf, int protectBits, int shrinkBits)
int x = hipBlockDim_x * hipBlockIdx_x + hipThreadIdx_x;
int address;
address = (x & protectBits) | (x & shrinkBits);
buf[address] = x;
Shrink Size in Bytes[128], bandwidth 181 (GB/S)
Shrink Size in Bytes[256], bandwidth 90 (GB/S) Shrink Size in Bytes[512], bandwidth 181 (GB/S) Shrink Size in Bytes[1024], bandwidth 360 (GB/S) Shrink Size in Bytes[2048], bandwidth 359 (GB/S) Shrink Size in Bytes[4096], bandwidth 359 (GB/S) Shrink Size in Bytes[8192], bandwidth 359 (GB/S) Shrink Size in Bytes[16384], bandwidth 359 (GB/S) Shrink Size in Bytes[32768], bandwidth 359 (GB/S) Shrink Size in Bytes[65536], bandwidth 359 (GB/S) Shrink Size in Bytes[131072], bandwidth 358 (GB/S) |
如果对CPU的数学函数做过测试,都应该知道每条数学函数需要数十到数百条指令完成。数学函数在计算机中使用最低六次泰勒级数展开,加上额外的一些操作,数十条指令是非常正常的。每下面一个实例用双精度(Double Precision)三角函数来测试数学。
#define INNER_LOOPS 100
#define OUTER_LOOPS 10000
__global__ void
test_kernel(hipLaunchParm lp,
int* __restrict__ buf, int outerLoops)
int x = hipBlockDim_x * hipBlockIdx_x + hipThreadIdx_x;
double f = sin(x / 256.0);
for (int i = 0; i < outerLoops; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < INNER_LOOPS;j++)
f = sin(f);
if (f > 0.999)
buf[x] = f;
sin --double needs 2339 cycles |
基础的数学定理可以 大大减少计算开销,例如 exp(x, y) * exp(x,z) 等价于 exp(x, y + z), if (sqrt(a) < b) 等价于 if ( a < b *b), if ( arcsin(a) < arcsin(b)) 等价于 if ( a < b)。
Reduction是一个非常常见的操作,例如求一个数组的最大、最小值,或者求和。常见的GPU实现,第一步将所有数据写到LDS,第二步有效Threads减半,每个有效线程读两个数,求和,然后结果写回LDS,重复步骤二直到有效线程数为1。根据我们前面的测试,LDS读写的延迟比较大, 如果每次对4个数求和,是否可以大大提高读写速度?
__global__ void
test_kernel(hipLaunchParm lp,
int* __restrict__ buf, int reduce_number_once)
int x = hipBlockDim_x * hipBlockIdx_x + hipThreadIdx_x;
__shared__ int ldsData[256];
ldsData[hipThreadIdx_x] = buf[x];
int sum =0;
if (reduce_number_once == 2)
for (int s = 256 >> 1; s > 0; s = s >> 1)
if (s > hipThreadIdx_x) {
ldsData[hipThreadIdx_x] = ldsData[hipThreadIdx_x] +
ldsData[hipThreadIdx_x + s];
if (hipThreadIdx_x == 0)
sum += ldsData[0];
if (reduce_number_once == 4)
for (int s = 256 >> 2; s > 0; s = s >> 2)
if (s > hipThreadIdx_x) {
ldsData[hipThreadIdx_x] = ldsData[hipThreadIdx_x] +
ldsData[hipThreadIdx_x + s] +
ldsData[hipThreadIdx_x + 2 * s] +
ldsData[hipThreadIdx_x + 3 * s];
if (hipThreadIdx_x == 0)
sum += ldsData[0];
if ((hipThreadIdx_x == 0) && sum > 9999)
buf[hipBlockIdx_x] = sum;
Reduce 2 once: elapsed time:4.80159
Reduce 4 once: elapsed time:2.817486 |
在CNN的Convolution,如果Filter Size大于1x1,那么Padding(填充)是一个非常重要的函数。假设BatchSize=1024, Channels=1024, Height=Width=7, Padding=3X3,那么Padding之后的Height=Width=13x13,13x13=169远远小于256,因此我们需要每个Threads读写超过一个Channel的数据。下面的代码BlockDim=Dim3(256,1,1),GridDim= (【13 * 13/256】, Channeles=1024, BatchSize=1024)。代码先计算输入原始输入数据的地址,如果在 【7,7】的范围内,那么需要读取显存数据,否则设置为Padding Value== 0.
__global__ void
test_kernel(hipLaunchParm lp,
float* __restrict__ bufA, float* __restrict__ bufB, int channels_once, int c, int h, int w, int padding )
int hw = hipThreadIdx_x;
int cc = channels_once * hipBlockIdx_y;
int n = hipBlockIdx_z;
float org_data[16];
if (hw < (h * w))
int hh = hw / w - padding;
int ww = hw % w - padding ;
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
org_data[i] = 0.0f;
int in_w = w - 2 * padding;
int in_h = h - 2 * padding;
bool needFetching = (ww >=0) && (ww < (in_w)) && (hh >= 0) &&
(hh < (in_h));
if (needFetching == true) {
int base = n * c * in_h * in_w + cc * in_h * in_w +
hh * in_w + ww;
for (int i = 0; i < channels_once; i++)
org_data[i] = bufA[base + i * in_h * in_w];
int base = n * c * h * w + cc * h * w + hw;
for (int i = 0; i < channels_once; i++)
bufB[base + i * h * w] = org_data[i];
Read/Write [1] Channels per thread: elapsed time:29.635487
Read/Write [1] Channels per thread: ==> Estimated Bandwidth 44 GB/s Read/Write [2] Channels per thread: elapsed time:21.011665 Read/Write [2] Channels per thread: ==> Estimated Bandwidth 62 GB/s Read/Write [4] Channels per thread: elapsed time:14.498355 Read/Write [4] Channels per thread: ==> Estimated Bandwidth 91 GB/s Read/Write [8] Channels per thread: elapsed time:11.157874 Read/Write [8] Channels per thread: ==> Estimated Bandwidth 118 GB/s Read/Write [16] Channels per thread: elapsed time:9.165571 Read/Write [16] Channels per thread: ==> Estimated Bandwidth 144 GB/s |
v_mov_b32_e32 v4, 0
一个可能的猜测是循环变量channles_once作为输入参数出现,而编译器无法判别总的循环次数,不能判别需要org_data的实际大小,而把导致org_data被分配到scratch memory。
Example-13b.cpp把所有的整数参数转为了常量,已尝试是否会消除scratch memory。
Read/Write [16] Channels per thread: elapsed time:2.929695
Read/Write [16] Channels per thread: ==> Estimated Bandwidth 450 GB/s |
根据基本原理,最简单的实现需要读取每个元素三次,第一次是计算平均值,第二次是计算平均方差,第三次是计算BN值,每次存储读取失败需要重新向L2请求数据,这样无法获得最佳性能。GCN架构的L1 Cache 总共有256 Cachelines ( 16 KB /64 Bytes per CacheLine),如果有256个像素,BatchSize大于16,那么需要读取的Cacheline将超过256。平均方差和平均值可以用同一个循环完成,这样可以减少一次L1 Cache的数据读取。再进一步,如果读取的数据能够保存在VGPR中,那么仅仅读取一次L1 Cache即可。总共设计了四个测试:
- Example-14a.cpp:使用了三次L1 Cache读写的方式,性能为22G Pixels/s。
- Example-14b.cpp:使用了一次L1 Cache 读写,将128个Batch的数据保存在2个Threads中,性能为15 G Pixels/s。
- Example-14c.cpp:使用了一次L1 Cache 读写,将128个Batch的数据保存在4个Threads中,性能为32G Pixels/s。
- Example-14d.cpp:使用了两次L1 Cache 读写,第一次读L1 Cache计算平均方差和平均值,第二次读L1 Cache做(L1/L2可能是命中失败),性能为30G Pixels/s。
理论上方法14b和14c应该取得一样的性能,因为这两个方法仅仅读取一次L1 Cache,而且需要的VPGR数都是小于80。而实际测试的结果完全不符合预期,方法14b和14c应该远远高于方法14d。基本的猜测是HIPCC编译器有不为人知的特性。使用extractkernels工具产生 GCN assembly代码,并进行分析:
- Example-14a.cpp:产生的代码极为简单,使用的VGPR数量低于16个;
- Example-14b.cpp:产生的代码非常复杂,VGPR达到了最大值255,而且使用scratch memory来替代不足的VPGRs;
- Example-14c.cpp:代码比较复杂, 使用超过105个VGPR,低于128个VGPR,没有使用scratch memory;
- Example-14d.cpp:产生的代码极为简单,使用的VGPR数量低于16个;
- 所有四个实例中计算显存地址部分没有任何优化,浪费了大量计算指令;
Miopen提供了大量实例使用汇编指令提高性能,可以作为参考。提供了inline assembly的方式简化GCN架构的HIP/OpenCL汇编程序,可以作为极好的参考。
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