Blaze SDK Flutter is a easy-to-use toolkit that allows you to effortlessly integrate and utilize Breeze 1 Click Checkout & its services into your android app.
Follow the below steps to integrate Blaze SDK into your android application:
1.1. Adding the Blaze SDK dependency to your pubspec.yaml
Run following command to add blaze_sdk_flutter as a dependency to your flutter project
flutter pub add blaze_sdk_flutter
1.2. Include the repository for SDK Resolution to your project's android/build.gradle
allprojects {
repositories {
// add this line
maven { url "" }
2.1. Import the Blaze SDK package in your application class.
import 'package:blaze_sdk_flutter/blaze_sdk_flutter.dart';
2.2. Create an instance of the BlazeSdkFlutter
class in your application class.
final _blaze = BlazeSdkFlutter();
2.2. Initiate the Blaze instance. Preferably when Checkout page opens up or app launches.
In order to call initiate you need to perform the following steps:
Create a Json with correct parameters to initiate the SDK. This is the data that will be used to initialize the SDK.
// Create a JSONObject for the Initiate data
Map<String, dynamic> createInitiatePayload() {
return {
"merchantId": "<MERCHANT_ID>",
"environment": "<ENVIRONMENT>",
"shopUrl": "<SHOP_URL>"
// Place Initiate Payload into SDK Payload
Map<String, dynamic> createSDKPayload(Map<String, dynamic> payload) {
return {
"requestId": "randomId",
"service": "in.breeze.onecco",
"payload": payload
var initiatePayload = createSDKPayload(createInitiatePayload());
Note: Obtain values for merchantId
, environment
and shopUrl
from the Breeze team.
Refer to schemas for understanding what keys mean.
During the user journey the SDK will call the callback method with the result of the SDK operation. You need to implement this method in order to handle the result of the SDK operation.
void handleCallbackEvent(Map<String, dynamic> callbackEvent) {
print("Callback Event: $callbackEvent");
Finally, call the initiate method on the Blaze instance with the payload and the callback method. The first parameter is the context of the application.
_blaze_.initiate(initiatePayload, handleCallbackEvent);
Once the SDK is initiated, you can start processing your requests using the initialized instance of the SDK. The SDK will call the callback method with the result of the SDK operation.
Create a Json payload with the required parameters to process the request. The process payload differs based on the request. Refer to schemas sections to understand what kind of data is required for different requests
// 3.1 Create SDK Process Payload
// Create a JSONObject for the Process data
Map<String, dynamic> createProcessPayload() {
return {
"action": "<ACTION>",
// .. rest of the keys
var processPayload = createSDKPayload(createProcessPayload());
Call the process method on the Blaze instance with the process payload to start the user journey or a headless flow.