See /data.
Included as compressed csv or pandas pickle files:
- change logs for transformations
- modified initiation and disposition subsets of source data from SAO
- main table is a combination of initiation left-join disposition
- calculated pending disposition time for cases without a disposition date
- calculated case length based on received date and disposition date
- calculated delta between original charge class from initiation and new charge class from disposition
A brief expalanation of modified or derived columns that deviate from source data.
- Charge Class Categorical Values. During analysis, the charge class are assigned values from 0 to 11 where 11 is the most severe class and 0 is the least severe; -1 is for Null values. The category data type is preserved in the pickled formats.
- List of Charge Class (semantic): 'M', 'X', '1', '2', '3', '4', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'O', 'P', 'Z'
- List of Charge Class (numeric): 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0
- Charge Class Difference. The severity of the allegation often changes from initation to disposition. Given the numeric categorical class values, it is possible to compute the magnitude of the delta.
- Meaning: A positive score indicates that the charge severity increased while a low score means the severity decreased from initiation to disposition. Zero means no change.
- Evaluation: (Disposition Charged Class) - (Initiation Charged Class) = Charge Class Difference
- Null values if there is no disposition charged class
- Case Length. The length of a given case from Received Date to Disposition Date as number of days.
- Evaluation: (Disposition Date) - (Received Date) = Case Length
- Null values if there is no disposition date
- Disposition Date Days Pending. The length of time pending from Received date to current Date as number of days IF there is no disposition date.
- Evaluation: (Current Date) - (Received Date) = Disposition Date Days Pending
- Null values if there is a disposition date
- Table Join for The source Initiation and Disposition tables are left joined on a selection of columns. All other columns, if duplicate, are appened with a suffix of "_init" or "_disp".
- Meaning: The intent is to capture each row as a unique object (a case with a person and a charge) as a measure of events in the court system
- Key values for join: 'case_id', 'case_participant_id', 'received_date', 'offense_category'
- Imputed Dates. Source tables had a number of erroneous dates for initiation and disposition such as 2109. In these cases, it appears that the date was meant to be 2019, for example.
- Rationale: For initiation event date and disposition date, if any date values exceed the year 2020, they are replaced with an imputed value
- Evaluation: Initiation event date: if > 2020 or if event date < 2010, then replace the year value with the same year as the received date.
- Evaluation: Disposition date: if > 2020, then replace the year value with the rolling mode of the difference between received date and disposition date.