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Example angular-oauth2-oidc and IBM AppID with AuthGuard

⚠ Third-party Cookies

TLDR 👉 See my "SPA Necromancy" blogpost for all options and workarounds known to me.

Browser vendors are implementing increasingly strict rules around cookies. This is increasingly problematic for SPA's with their Identity Server on a third-party domain. Most notably problems occur if the "silent refresh via an iframe" technique is used.

This repository uses that technique currently. This will fire up an iframe to load an IDS page with noprompt, hoping cookies get sent along to so the IDS can see if a user is logged in.

Safari will block cookies from being sent, prompting a leading OAuth/OpenID community member to write "SPAs are dead!?". In fact, if you fire up this sample repository on localhost, which talks to (another domain!), and use it in Safari: you will notice that the silent refresh technique already fails!


This demonstrates:

  • Use of the Code+PKCE Flow (so no JWKS validation)
  • Async but mandatory bootstrapping (via an APP_INITIALIZER) before the rest of the app can run
  • Modules (core, shared, and two feature modules)
  • An auth guard that forces you to login when navigating to protected routes
  • An auth guard that just prevents you from navigating to protected routes
  • Asynchronous loading of login information (and thus async auth guards)
  • Using localStorage for storing tokens (use at your own risk!)
  • Loading IDS details from its discovery document
  • Trying refresh on app startup before potientially starting a login flow
  • OpenID's external logout features


Integrating IBM AppID into Angular using Code+PKCE Flow




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