Projects completed for Udacity's "AI for Trading" Nanodegree
- Turning price data into daily log returns
- Creating simple trading signal
- Analyzing alpha's effectiveness using T-test
- Creating a mean reversion signal
- Using KS-test (Kolmogorov-Smirnov) to analyze the performance of the strategy
- Simulating market cap weighted index
- Optimizing portfolio with the cvxpy package
- Creating a statistical risk model using PCA
- Predicting the portfolio risk
- Implementing 5 Alpha factors
- Calculating Sharpe ratios
- Pre-processing 10Ks
- Measuring Jacquard- and Cosine-Similarity of financial statements over time
- Creating alpha factor and analyzing its performance
- Pre-processing, lemmatizing, creating a Bag of Words, and filtering tweets
- Training a LSTM Neural Net
- Using it for sentiment prediction on various stocks
- Creating alpha factors, universal quant features, and regime features
- Using Random Forest to predict future returns
- Analyzing RF's performance using cross-validation and various sampling methods
- Analyzing factors' performance
- Preprocessing data
- Creating alpha factors
- Calculating risk factor exposures
- Estimating transaction costs
- Optimizing portfolio
- Calculating Profit and Loss