This repository has all the necessary code and data to reproduce results from Estimating the probable cause of recurrence in Plasmodium vivax malaria: relapse, reinfection or recrudescence? Taylor, Watson, et al, 2018.
The full paper (preprint for the moment) can be found at:
The data analysis is broken down into a series of R scripts and RMarkdown files, organised as follows:
Genetic_Model has the model code implementing our identity-by-descent based approach to the estimation of relapse, recrudescence and reinfection in P. vivax recurrences, based on highly polymorphic microsatellite data. The main wrapper function which computes recurrence state probabilities is post_prob_CLI in post_prob_CLI.R. There is also a useful plotting function for polyallelic data (PlottingFunction.R).
Timing_Model has the model code (in stan) implementing our time-to-event approach to the estimation of relapse, recrudescence and reinfection in P. vivax recurrences, based on follow-up data post clinic level symptomatic P. vivax episodes. The RMarkdown script TimingModelStan.Rmd fits the stan models to pooled data from two large studies on the Thailand-Myanmar border (total n=1299 individuals, over 1000 patient years of follow-up).
Pooled_Final_Analysis provides an RMarkdown script Pooled_Analysis.Rmd which combines the genetic model fits and the timing model fits on the same data from the two large studies on the Thailand-Myanmar border (total n=1299 individuals). In particular it implements the following:
- Full Bayesian analysis of all recurrences, and where available, estimates using the genetic data are based on prior probabilities from the time-to-event model
- Estimation of false-positive rate using genetic data alone by comparing isolates from different individuals
- Estimation of failure rate after supervised high-dose primaquine in the epidemiological context of the Thai-Myanmar border
- Prediction of primaquine failure from carboxy-primaquine (inactive, slowly eliminated metabolite) trough concentrations
Simulation_Study provides two separate model validation, simulation-based studies for the genetic and time-to-event models, respectively.
- SimulationStudy_Genetic_Model.Rmd estimates the number of microsatellites needed to reliably calculate recurrence probabilities in paired infections under certain assumptions of complexity of infection.
- SimulationStudy_Timing_Model.Rmd simulates data under the assumptions of the two time-to-event model and then fits the models to these data (well-specified problems). It also simulates and fits model 2 to data whereby reinfections are seasonal (mis-specified). It performs posterior model checks: simulates data from the posterior distribution and compares against observed, both visually and with summary statistics.
All data are stored in RData and a microsatellite data plotting tool is given in Genetic_Model/PlottingFunction.R.
Enjoy reading through the model code and model implementation! If you see any bugs or have any questions, the authors can be contacted at and For general questions regarding R, please visit and various resources online. In you are unfamiliar with R, then access to someone with a working knowledge of R will be helpful.
All software is written in R. For an installation guide please see The R versions used to develop this code were: R version 3.4.3 (2017-11-30) and R version 3.5.0 (2018-04-23)
We used the user interface RStudio to develop this code. To download and install RStudio please see
To run the timing model code, rstan is needed. For installation instructions please see: The rstan version we are currently using is: rstan Version 2.18.1, GitRev: 2e1f913d3ca3
Before running any analyses please
Open Install_and_load_required_packages.R and set the working directory to the source file location (i.e. the location of Install_and_load_required_packages.R)
Run Install_and_load_required_packages.R. This will load (and install if not installed already) all necessary packages. It should take a few minutes at most. Some of the non-base packages that will be loaded are as follows. A full list with version numbers can be found in session_info_txt
- igraph (neat manipulation of graphs and computation of graph properties)
- loo (leave one out for stan models)
- stringr (character manipulation and pattern matching)
- boot (bootstrapping)
- RColorBrewer (get nice color palettes)
- gdata (some nice data manipulation functions)
- gtools (for calculations in log space)
- tictoc (timing of runs)
- doParallel (multicore computation)
- knitr (create reproducible web-based markdown reports)
This section describes how to generate all the results presented in the paper.
Please be aware that it takes a several days to regenerate the entire study from scratch. Some model runs are fairly computationally expensive (around 1-2 days using 6 cores on a desktop computer). To facilitate exploration of end-results, we have made available intermediate .RData files. These allow end-results to be regenerated in a matter of minutes (see below).
To regenerate end-results using intermediate RData (demo): download and put into directory RData/LargeFiles/ :
These are all the output results that are too large to be added to a github repository. The computation time to create these files by setting RUN_MODELS___ variables to TRUE in the various .Rmd files totals about 2-4 days on a standard desktop computer.
The generate end-results, one can then navigate to the various RMarkdown scripts, set the working directory to the source file location (i.e. the location of TimingModelStan.Rmd, Pooled_Analysis.Rmd or SimulationStudy.Rmd) and, by setting all RUN_MODELS___ variables to FALSE (default), run in approximately less than 10 minutes on a standard desktop computer.
The output of the RMarkdown scripts is as follows:
- Plots of results and data as given in our paper
- Text detailing the data structures and summary statistics
To regenerate everything from scratch, including all intermediate files, set RUN_MODELS___ variables to TRUE in all RMarkdown scripts, then run TimingModelStan.Rmd followed by the other RMarkdown scripts in no specific order. The output is as described above plus model output.
This is still work in progress as we will be updating the model and improving the workflow (even after publication). If there is a bug on the current github version just drop us an email with a screen shot.