Using Renative! Exploring the design space of how to use Haskell in different environments. This project is a work-in-progress and meant to be a template or an example for "real" applications.
See also TODO example <> for a working example.
- Fork this repo.
- Do your Haskell under ./src
- install Nix. You should already have it.
git clone
./ # Use 'rnproject' as project Name
./ run -p web
For addons/plugins you need to add relevant registrations to ./register_addons.js, which is copied once to ./rnproject/src/register_addons.js on project initialization.
Shell with all the project dependencies
>>> ./
Launch you default editor with all the project dependencies
>>> PKGS=./default.nix sh <(curl
>>> ./
>>> ./
>>> ./
- React-native doesn't seem to work on AndroidWear in Debug-mode (facebook/react-native#25580). Release mode works fine.