Lightweight library for parsing METAR message
METAR is a format for reporting weather information. A METAR weather report is predominantly used by pilots in fulfillment of a part of a pre-flight weather briefing, and by meteorologists, who use aggregated METAR information to assist in weather forecasting.
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$ composer require "jzawadzki/metar-php"
$metar = new \METAR\Message("EPKK 160030Z 06010KT 8000 BKN060 04/M03 Q1034");
echo $metar->getLocation(); //EPKK
echo $metar->getVisibility(); //8000
echo $metar->getQNH()->toHPa(); //1034
echo $metar->getQNH()->toInHg(); //30.53
echo $metar->getTemperature()->toUnit('C'); //4
echo $metar->getDewPoint()->toUnit('F'); //26.6
$view = new \METAR\View\Text($metar);
echo $view->render();
METAR: EPKK 160030Z 06010KT 8000 BKN060 04/M03 Q1034
Location: EPKK
Day of month: 16 Time: 0030Z
Temperature: 4.0C Dew point: -3.0C
QNH: 1034 hPa (30.53 inHg)
Jerzy Zawadzki