This is an attempt to create a matched decompilation for Persona 2: Innocent Sin (Japan) for the PSX. The decompilation matched well in with PSYQ 4.3 (gcc 2.8.0 + aspsx 2.77)
SLPS_021 sha1: f477d5135dc515489f5caeb86ff0d4a9a6f97ce4
Thanks to the Sillent Hill 1 decompilation project for most of the reference.
You will need splat installed. Do python3 -m pip install -U splat64[mips]
First, extract the game files from the game disc. You can use mkpsxiso for this. Then, place SLPS_021.00
on the root of the project. Run make generate
and then make
. The output will be in the build
- Make the project setup easier (add splat to tools/ etc)
- Write an script to disassemble the overlays that are useful to us (the D folder with bin files)
- Finish mapping all libaries function
- Finish mapping all the main executable functions
- Find where and how the game loads the overlays
- Setup splat for overlays
- ...