🔪🍪 Extracts cookies from well known browsers
For Windows users use the file win-installer.py
to install, make sure you have package manager pip installed.
python3 win-installer
For Linux and MacOS Users use the package manager pip to install the requirements.
pip3 install -r requirments.txt
Note for Windows users: If the file win-installer.py
doesnt work then you will need to install MS Visual Studio 2015 (Community Edition) with C/C++ compilers, and then install requirements using pip with the following command: pip3 install -r requirments.txt
Usage as a executable: This will save all the cookies in 'cookies.json' and will show logs files.
$ python3 CookieStealer
*** RUNNING 'CookieStealer.py' ***
[!]Getting chrome cookies...
[+]Got chrome cookies without any exceptions!
[!]Getting chrome firefox...
[+]Got firefox cookies without any exceptions!
[!]Getting safari cookies...
[+]Got safari cookies without any exceptions!
[!]Creating dict for all cookies found...
[!]Creating dict for chrome browser cookies...
[+]Chrome browser cookie dict created!
[!]Creating dict for firefox browser cookies...
[+]Firefox browser cookie dict created!
[!]Creating dict for safari browser cookies...
[+]Safari browser cookie dict created!
[!]Saving the duct in json file...
[+]Cookie list saved to the 'cookies.json' file!
*** COOKIES ARE SAVED TO 'cookies.json' FILE ***
Usage as a library: This will use the browsercookie library to get cookiejar objects from the cookie from major browser.
import lib_bc
# Get Chrome browser cookies:
ChromeCookieJar = lib_bc.chrome()
# Get Firefox browser cookies:
FirefoxCookieJar = lib_bc.firefox()
# Get Safari browser cookies:
SafariCookieJar = lib_bc.safari()
''' more code... '''
- Chrome
- Firefox
- Safari
- bin0x00 - For initializing the this project.
- richardpenman - For making the browsercookie library
- More acknowledgements at richardpenman repo
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.