This repository is career changer lesson of React JS and introduction of NodeJS.
- Day 1: React fundamental and class component
- Day 2: React function component and state management (hook)
- Day 3: React life cycle (hook)
- Day 4: Manage routing with React router
- Day 5: Mini project for Day 1 - 4
- Day 6: Basic NodeJS
Each lessons have its mental model, example, and exercise.
The mental model is an abstraction of code that we implement every day. For example, we declare a variable engine. Then we declare another variable, careEngine, as a reference to engine. The mental model in our head should be like this.
So, if we reassign the value of either engine, careEngine, both of them will be changed to a new one.
Now, you might say: “Okay, that’s intuitive. So what”. No, It didn’t work like that when we were juniors. After an unofficial survey with my senior and above developer, They intuitively think of the above picture. So, they can understand the deeper mental model of more complicated topics. On the contrary, junior developers do not have that clear picture in mind. They will, consequently, suffer to learn deeper topics.
A React component is composed of 3 key basic concepts:
Component JSX
Component Property
Component State
The above results in the below picture of its mental model.
If you would like to learn more about React mental model. Please go to >> Read More <<