This is a final assignment of a Java course I did at school. It is an API for querying and posting student/course data. The API is made with Java and SpringBoot and the said data lives in text files under /tiedostot/. The project was made in 2021 and the repository is not maintained.
Routes for usage are as follows:
GET Students:
- This route returns all students from students.txt
(Returns JSON)
- Using this route you can query students and courses they are in by their ID.
(Returns HTML)
GET Courses:
- This route returns all courses and their students from courses.txt
(Returns JSON)
- Using this route you can query courses subject and attending students with its ID.
(Returns HTML)
- Using this route you can query all courses that are class OnlineCourse.
(Returns JSON)
- You can add student to a course with this POST route.