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Fix build issue due to structure changes in the port #72

Fix build issue due to structure changes in the port

Fix build issue due to structure changes in the port #72

name: FreeRTOS MPU Demo
bashPass: \033[32;1mPASSED -
bashInfo: \033[33;1mINFO -
bashFail: \033[31;1mFAILED -
bashEnd: \033[0m
name: TI-Hercules RM46 and RM57 MPU Demos
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- env:
stepName: Checkout Repository
name: ${{ env.stepName }}
uses: actions/checkout@v4.1.1
submodules: true
- env:
stepName: Fetch FreeRTOS-Kernel
name: ${{ env.stepName }}
shell: bash
run: |
# ${{ env.stepName }}
echo -e "::group::${{ env.bashInfo }} ${{ env.stepName }} ${{ env.bashEnd }}"
git submodule update --checkout --init --depth 1 FreeRTOS/Source
echo -e "${{ env.bashPass }} ${{ env.stepName }} ${{ env.bashEnd }}"
- env:
stepName: Install GNU ARM Toolchain
name: Install GNU ARM Toolchain
shell: bash
run: |
# ${{ env.stepName }}
echo -e "::group::${{ env.bashInfo }} ${{ env.stepName }} ${{ env.bashEnd }}"
sudo apt-get -y update
sudo apt-get -y install gcc-arm-none-eabi build-essential cmake git ninja-build python3-minimal
echo -e "::endgroup::"
echo -e "${{ env.bashPass }} ${{ env.stepName }} ${{ env.bashEnd }}"
- env:
stepName: Build CORTEX R5 MPU Demo
name: ${{ env.stepName }}
shell: bash
working-directory: FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_MPU_R5F_TI_RM57_HERCULES_GCC
run: |
# ${{ env.stepName }}
echo -e "::group::${{ env.bashInfo }} ${{ env.stepName }} ${{ env.bashEnd }}"
cmake -S . -B build && make -j -C build all
echo -e "::endgroup::"
echo -e "${{ env.bashPass }} ${{ env.stepName }} ${{ env.bashEnd }}"
- env:
stepName: Build CORTEX R4 MPU Demo
name: ${{ env.stepName }}
shell: bash
working-directory: FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_MPU_R4F_TI_RM46_HERCULES_GCC
run: |
# ${{ env.stepName }}
echo -e "::group::${{ env.bashInfo }} ${{ env.stepName }} ${{ env.bashEnd }}"
cmake -S . -B build && make -j -C build all
echo -e "::endgroup::"
echo -e "${{ env.bashPass }} ${{ env.stepName }} ${{ env.bashEnd }}"