Karen Araceli Palacio Pastor
in build_and_search_kd_tree.py you can find the code corresponding to the implementation in python of the pseudocode given as an answer to the point number 6 of the test.
Number 6 Give a high-level description (but detailed enough) of the algorithm to find all elements in a standard K-d tree that are at (Euclidean) distance of q not larger than a given radius R. In your algorithm, take into account that there is no need to store discriminants in the nodes of the standard K-d tree; they cycle along any path: 0, 1, 2, . . . , K − 1, 0, 1, . . .
It runs the algorithm for the following 2D KDtree
Root: (51, 75)
Left: (25, 40)
Left: (10, 30)
Left: (1, 10)
Right: (35, 90)
Right: (70, 70)
Left: (55, 1)
Right: (60, 80)
searching elements within EUCL distance of: 25
[(25, 40)]
The corresponding distances are:
searching elements within EUCL distance of: 30
[(51, 75), (25, 40), (35, 90)]
The corresponding distances are:
[27.85677655436824, 25.0, 26.92582403567252]
searching elements within EUCL distance of: 40
[(51, 75), (25, 40), (10, 30), (35, 90), (60, 80)]
The corresponding distances are:
[27.85677655436824, 25.0, 38.07886552931954, 26.92582403567252, 38.07886552931954]
searching elements within EUCL distance of: 50
[(51, 75), (25, 40), (10, 30), (35, 90), (70, 70), (60, 80)]
The corresponding distances are:
[27.85677655436824, 25.0, 38.07886552931954, 26.92582403567252, 45.27692569068709, 38.07886552931954]
in tst_prefix_search.py you can find the code corresponding to the implementation in python of the pseudocode given as an answer to the point number 7 of the test.
Give a high-level description (but detailed enough) of an algorithm to list in ascending lexicographic order the subset of words in a TST (ternary search tree) that begin with a given prefix p. Assume that the given prefix and all words in the TST are strings built from 8-bit ASCII characters, with the usual ordering, furthermore, assume that the end-of-string symbol is \0, that is, the character which ASCII code is 0 (henceforth smaller than any other character).
the code outputs a drawing of an example TST and some prefix searches:
['apple', 'apricot', 'banana', 'apartment', 'apex', 'ball', 'cat', 'dog', 'cataract']
|-- a
|-- p
|-- p
|-- a
|-- r
|-- t
|-- m
|-- e
|-- n
|-- t
|-- #
|-- e
|-- x
|-- #
|-- l
|-- e
|-- #
|-- r
|-- i
|-- c
|-- o
|-- t
|-- #
|-- b
|-- a
|-- n
|-- l
|-- l
|-- #
|-- a
|-- n
|-- a
|-- #
|-- c
|-- a
|-- t
|-- #
|-- a
|-- r
|-- a
|-- c
|-- t
|-- #
|-- d
|-- o
|-- g
|-- #
Words with prefix 'ap': ['apartment', 'apex', 'apple', 'apricot']
Words with prefix 'ba': ['ball', 'banana']
Words with prefix 'cata': ['cataract']