Track investment returns in currencies through the National Bank of Poland's API.
The tool monitors investment returns in up to 35 basic currencies, the exchange rates of which are published by the National Bank of Poland in Table A (
Installation instructions to be found below.
- select currencies and their % share: -c EUR=30 -c USD=40 -c CZK=30
- set the start date: -s 2021-07-01
- define the amount that you want to invest (in PLN): -f 1000
- or play with --random option with up to 35 available currencies: -r 9
- see the results in your terminal or download a CSV file by adding a --csv flag
currency-wallet --random 3
This command will randomly select 3 currencies and generate a report for default values: a 1000PLN investment over the past 30 days.
currency-wallet -c ISK=17 -c NOK=56 -c HUF=27 -s 2021-04-21 -f 1000 --csv
This one will check the exchange rates between 2021-04-21 and 2021-05-20 for 3 selected currencies (ISK: 17%, NOK: 56%, HUF: 27%) that were bought for 1000PLN. The results will be exported to a CSV file.
Usage: currency-wallet [OPTIONS]
-c, --curr TEXT Select currencies and their % share, e.g. -c
USD=50 -c EUR=50
-s, --start TEXT Start date, e.g. 2021-01-01
-f, --funds INTEGER RANGE Amount of money to invest in PLN [x>=1]
-r, --random INTEGER RANGE Select random currencies [1<=x<=35]
--csv Export to a CSV file
--help Show this message and exit.
git clone
cd currency-wallet
pip install -e . -r requirements.txt
'THB': 'bat (Tajlandia)'
'USD': 'dolar amerykański'
'AUD': 'dolar australijski'
'HKD': 'dolar Hongkongu'
'CAD': 'dolar kanadyjski'
'NZD': 'dolar nowozelandzki'
'SGD': 'dolar singapurski'
'EUR': 'euro'
'HUF': 'forint (Węgry)'
'CHF': 'frank szwajcarski'
'GBP': 'funt szterling'
'UAH': 'hrywna (Ukraina)'
'JPY': 'jen (Japonia)'
'CZK': 'korona czeska'
'DKK': 'korona duńska'
'ISK': 'korona islandzka'
'NOK': 'korona norweska'
'SEK': 'korona szwedzka'
'HRK': 'kuna (Chorwacja)'
'RON': 'lej rumuński'
'BGN': 'lew (Bułgaria)'
'TRY': 'lira turecka'
'ILS': 'nowy izraelski szekel'
'CLP': 'peso chilijskie'
'PHP': 'peso filipińskie'
'MXN': 'peso meksykańskie'
'ZAR': 'rand (Republika Południowej Afryki)'
'BRL': 'real (Brazylia)'
'MYR': 'ringgit (Malezja)'
'RUB': 'rubel rosyjski'
'IDR': 'rupia indonezyjska'
'INR': 'rupia indyjska'
'KRW': 'won południowokoreański'
'CNY': 'yuan renminbi (Chiny)'
'XDR': 'SDR (MFW)'