🤓 The dotnet image with DinD support!
🐳 DinD (Docker in Docker) allows you to use docker inside of this image. This is supported by running dockerd. This is the image for simulating build pipeline machines which rely heavily on docker support for dotnet pipelines.
docker run --privileged karolczajkowski/dotnet-ubuntu-dind
Ubuntu 20.04
- dotnet SDK 3.1
- asp.net core runtime 3.1
- pwsh (PowserShell 7)
- git
- docker 19.03.11
- docker-compose 1.26.0
- Helm 3
- wget
docker run -it --privileged karolczajkowski/dotnet-ubunt-dind
Will run a shell with a completely seperate docker environment.
I took inspiration from cruizba/ubuntu-dind.