What's Changed
- chore(deps): update actions/create-github-app-token digest to f2acddf by @layla-bot in #2091
- chore(container): update image ghcr.io/kashalls/kubernetes-schemas to 8b15042 by @layla-bot in #2095
- fix(helm): update chart loki to 5.43.4 by @layla-bot in #2100
- fix(github-release): update k3s-io/k3s to v1.29.2+k3s1 by @layla-bot in #2099
- fix(github-release): update k3s-io/k3s to v1.29.2+k3s1 by @layla-bot in #2098
- fix(helm): update chart redis to 18.17.1 by @layla-bot in #2097
- fix(ansible): update kubernetes.core to 3.0.1 by @layla-bot in #2096
- feat(container): update image ghcr.io/coder/code-server to v4.22.0 by @layla-bot in #2094
- feat(container): update image quay.io/minio/minio to release.2024-03-03t17-50-39z by @layla-bot in #2093
- chore(grafana-dashboard): update dashboard node exporter full to revision 34 by @layla-bot in #2090
- fix(container): update image kube-state-metrics to v5.16.2 by @layla-bot in #2084
- feat(container): update image kube-prometheus-stack to v56.21.0 by @layla-bot in #2083
- fix(container): update system upgrade controller group to v0.13.4 (patch) by @layla-bot in #2085
- fix(container): update image ghcr.io/diced/zipline to v3.7.9 by @layla-bot in #2087
- fix(container): update system upgrade controller group to v0.13.4 (patch) by @layla-bot in #2086
- feat(container): update image ghcr.io/koenkk/zigbee2mqtt to v1.36.0 by @layla-bot in #2088
- feat(helm): update chart thanos to 13.3.0 by @layla-bot in #2089
- fix(container): update image ghcr.io/onedr0p/volsync to v0.8.1 by @layla-bot in #2118
- feat(container): update image docker.io/binwiederhier/ntfy to v2.9.0 by @layla-bot in #2117
- fix(helm): update rook-ceph group to v1.13.6 (patch) by @layla-bot in #2116
- fix(helm): update chart volsync to 0.8.1 by @layla-bot in #2115
- fix(container): update image docker.io/rancher/kubectl to v1.29.2 by @layla-bot in #2114
- fix(container): update image docker.io/rancher/kubectl to v1.29.2 by @layla-bot in #2113
- fix(container): update image ghcr.io/kiwigrid/k8s-sidecar to v1.26.1 by @layla-bot in #2112
- feat(helm): update chart thanos to 13.4.1 by @layla-bot in #2111
- chore(grafana-dashboard): update dashboard node exporter full to revision 36 by @layla-bot in #2110
- chore(grafana-dashboard): update dashboard minio dashboard to revision 26 by @layla-bot in #2109
- feat(container): update image prometheus-node-exporter to v4.31.0 by @layla-bot in #2108
- fix(helm): update chart loki to 5.43.6 by @layla-bot in #2107
- feat(helm): update chart redis to 18.18.0 by @layla-bot in #2106
- feat(container): update image ghcr.io/unpoller/unpoller to v2.10.0 by @layla-bot in #2105
- fix(container): update image quay.io/minio/minio to release.2024-03-07t00-43-48z by @layla-bot in #2103
- fix(container): update image kube-prometheus-stack to v56.21.3 by @layla-bot in #2102
- fix(container): update image kube-state-metrics to v5.16.4 by @layla-bot in #2104
- chore(container): update image ghcr.io/kashalls/kubernetes-schemas to 558e321 by @layla-bot in #2123
- chore(container): update image ghcr.io/kashalls/kubernetes-schemas to 00beb8a by @layla-bot in #2127
- fix(container): update image docker.io/timberio/vector to v0.36.1 by @layla-bot in #2132
- fix(helm): update chart cert-manager to v1.14.4 by @layla-bot in #2119
- feat(helm): update chart k8s-gateway to 2.4.0 by @layla-bot in #2129
- fix(helm): update chart grafana to 7.3.5 by @layla-bot in #2128
- fix(container): update image ghcr.io/kube-vip/kube-vip to v0.7.2 by @layla-bot in #2126
- feat(helm): update chart redis to 18.19.2 by @layla-bot in #2121
- fix(helm): update chart cert-manager to v1.14.4 by @layla-bot in #2120
- feat(container)!: Update image kube-prometheus-stack to v57 by @layla-bot in #2124
- fix(container): update image quay.io/minio/minio to release.2024-03-10t02-53-48z by @layla-bot in #2125
- fix(helm): update rook-ceph group to v1.13.7 (patch) by @layla-bot in #2145
- fix(helm): update chart loki to 5.43.7 by @layla-bot in #2143
- fix(helm): update chart cloudnative-pg to 0.20.2 by @layla-bot in #2142
- fix(container): update image ghcr.io/cloudnative-pg/postgresql to v16.2-9 by @layla-bot in #2137
- fix(helm): update chart cilium to 1.15.2 by @layla-bot in #2139
- chore(deps): update ansible-lint to 24.2.1 by @layla-bot in #2138
- fix(helm): update chart node-feature-discovery to 0.15.2 by @layla-bot in #2135
- fix(container): update image ghcr.io/coder/code-server to v4.22.1 by @layla-bot in #2144
- fix(helm): update chart grafana to 7.3.7 by @layla-bot in #2133
- fix(container): update image kube-prometheus-stack to v57.0.2 by @layla-bot in #2134
- fix(container): update image ghcr.io/project-zot/zot-linux-amd64 to v2.0.2 by @layla-bot in #2140
- feat(container): update image ghcr.io/onedr0p/home-assistant to v2024.3.1 by @layla-bot in #2136
- feat(helm)!: Update chart thanos to 14.0.1 by @layla-bot in #2151
- feat(helm): update chart loki to 5.44.1 by @layla-bot in #2150
- fix(helm): update chart node-feature-discovery to 0.15.3 by @layla-bot in #2149
- fix(container): update image ghcr.io/cloudnative-pg/postgresql to v16.2-10 by @layla-bot in #2147
- fix(container): update image quay.io/minio/minio to release.2024-03-15t01-07-19z by @layla-bot in #2148
- feat(github-action)!: Update tj-actions/changed-files action to v43.0.0 by @layla-bot in #2141
- fix(container): update image quay.io/minio/minio to release.2024-03-15t01-07-19z by @layla-bot in #2154
- feat(helm): update chart tailscale-operator to 1.62.0 by @layla-bot in #2153
- feat(container): update image ghcr.io/twin/gatus to v5.8.0 by @layla-bot in #2152
- fix(container): update image kube-prometheus-stack to v57.0.3 by @layla-bot in #2146
- fix(helm): update chart loki to 5.44.4 by @layla-bot in #2156
- fix(helm): update chart redis to 18.19.4 by @layla-bot in #2155
- feat(helm)!: Update chart redis to 19.0.0 by @layla-bot in #2158
- feat(helm): update chart loki to 5.45.0 by @layla-bot in #2157
- fix(helm): update chart authentik to 2024.2.2 by @layla-bot in #2070
- feat(helm): update chart volsync to 0.9.0 by @layla-bot in #2164
- fix(helm): update chart reloader to 1.0.71 by @layla-bot in #2159
- feat(container): update image docker.io/cloudflare/cloudflared to v2024.3.0 by @layla-bot in #2161
- fix(helm): update chart reloader to 1.0.71 by @layla-bot in #2160
- fix(helm): update chart redis to 19.0.1 by @layla-bot in #2162
- feat(helm): update chart loki to 5.46.0 by @layla-bot in #2163
- feat(container): update image ghcr.io/onedr0p/volsync to v0.9.0 by @layla-bot in #2165
- feat(container): update image kube-prometheus-stack to v57.1.0 by @layla-bot in #2167
- feat(container): update image kube-prometheus-stack to v57.1.0 by @layla-bot in #2168
- feat(container): update image kube-state-metrics to v5.17.0 by @layla-bot in #2169
- fix(container): update image registry.k8s.io/sig-storage/csi-provisioner to v4.0.1 by @layla-bot in #2170
- fix(container): update image ghcr.io/onedr0p/home-assistant to v2024.3.3 by @layla-bot in #2176
- fix(helm): update chart thanos to 14.0.2 by @layla-bot in #2174
- feat(helm): update chart loki to 5.47.1 by @layla-bot in #2175
- fix(container): update image quay.io/minio/minio to release.2024-03-21t23-13-43z by @layla-bot in #2177
- feat(ansible): update community.general to 8.5.0 by @layla-bot in #2184
- chore(container): update image ghcr.io/kashalls/kubernetes-schemas to 45459eb by @layla-bot in #2182
- chore(deps): update actions/create-github-app-token digest to 78e5f2d by @layla-bot in #2199
- feat(container): update image kube-prometheus-stack to v57.2.0 by @layla-bot in #2180
- chore(deps): update ansible to 9.4.0 by @layla-bot in #2200
- feat(container): update image gha-runner-scale-set-controller to v0.9.0 by @layla-bot in #2198
- feat(github-action)!: Update tj-actions/changed-files action to v44.0.0 by @layla-bot in #2194
- fix(helm): update chart reloader to 1.0.72 by @layla-bot in #2196
- fix(helm): update chart reloader to 1.0.72 by @layla-bot in #2195
- feat(container): update image gha-runner-scale-set to v0.9.0 by @layla-bot in #2197
- fix(github-release): update k3s-io/k3s to v1.29.3+k3s1 by @layla-bot in #2201
- fix(helm): update chart cilium to 1.15.3 by @layla-bot in #2189
- chore(container): update image docker.io/library/eclipse-mosquitto to 7611472 by @layla-bot in #2218
- feat(github-release): update buroa/system-upgrade-controller to v0.14.2 by @layla-bot in #2216
- feat(container): update image prometheus-node-exporter to v4.32.0 by @layla-bot in #2215
- fix(container): update image ghcr.io/onedr0p/kubanetics to v2024.3.6 by @layla-bot in #2204
- fix(helm): update chart loki to 5.47.2 by @layla-bot in #2207
- feat(container): update image docker.io/binwiederhier/ntfy to v2.10.0 by @layla-bot in #2209
- feat(container): update image docker.io/timberio/vector to v0.37.0 by @layla-bot in #2210
- feat(container): update image ghcr.io/buroa/system-upgrade-controller to v0.14.2 by @layla-bot in #2212
- feat(container): update image kube-prometheus-stack to v57.2.0 by @layla-bot in #2213
- feat(container): update image kube-state-metrics to v5.18.0 by @layla-bot in #2214
- fix(helm): update chart external-secrets to 0.9.14 by @layla-bot in #2219
Full Changelog: 2024.3.0...2024.4.0