What's Changed
- fix(container): update image ghcr.io/koenkk/zigbee2mqtt to v1.36.1 by @layla-bot in #2223
- chore(deps): update actions/create-github-app-token digest to 6c406e8 by @layla-bot in #2222
- fix(helm): update chart redis to 19.0.2 by @layla-bot in #2221
- fix(container): update image ghcr.io/kashalls/kromgo to v0.3.1 by @layla-bot in #2226
- feat(helm)!: Update chart thanos to 15.0.0 by @layla-bot in #2225
- feat(container): update image ghcr.io/unpoller/unpoller to v2.11.0 by @layla-bot in #2236
- fix(helm): update chart reloader to 1.0.74 by @layla-bot in #2228
- feat(container): update image ghcr.io/onedr0p/home-assistant to v2024.4.0 by @layla-bot in #2235
- fix(container): update image kube-state-metrics to v5.18.1 by @layla-bot in #2232
- fix(github-release): update dragonflydb/dragonfly-operator to v1.1.2 by @layla-bot in #2231
- fix(container): update image ghcr.io/dragonflydb/operator to v1.1.2 by @layla-bot in #2230
- feat(container)!: Update image docker.io/kopia/kopia to v20240406 by @layla-bot in #2249
- fix(helm): update chart metrics-server to 3.12.1 by @layla-bot in #2247
- fix(helm): update chart tailscale-operator to 1.62.1 by @layla-bot in #2208
- fix(helm): update chart cilium to 1.15.3 by @layla-bot in #2206
- fix(container): update image ghcr.io/onedr0p/home-assistant to v2024.4.1 by @layla-bot in #2245
- fix(helm): update chart node-feature-discovery to 0.15.4 by @layla-bot in #2244
- fix(container): update image kube-prometheus-stack to v57.2.1 by @layla-bot in #2250
- fix(helm): update chart external-dns to 1.14.4 by @layla-bot in #2246
- fix(helm): update chart reloader to 1.0.75 by @layla-bot in #2243
- chore(deps): update actions/create-github-app-token digest to 7bfa3a4 by @layla-bot in #2242
- fix(container): update image ghcr.io/koenkk/zigbee2mqtt to v1.36.1 by @layla-bot in #2255
- feat(container)!: Update image kube-prometheus-stack to v58 by @layla-bot in #2253
- feat(helm): update chart kubelet-csr-approver to 1.1.0 by @layla-bot in #2240
- fix(helm): update rook-ceph group to v1.13.8 (patch) by @layla-bot in #2233
- feat(container): update image ghcr.io/dragonflydb/dragonfly to v1.16.0 by @layla-bot in #2227
- fix(container): update image thanos to v1.16.3 by @layla-bot in #2238
- feat(container): update image prometheus-smartctl-exporter to v0.8.0 by @layla-bot in #2252
- feat(container): update image quay.io/minio/minio to release.2024-04-06t05-26-02z by @layla-bot in #2205
- feat(container): update image docker.io/timberio/vector to v0.37.0 by @layla-bot in #2229
- feat(github-release): update prometheus-operator/prometheus-operator to v0.73.0 by @layla-bot in #2239
- fix(container): update image spegel to v0.0.20 by @layla-bot in #2224
- fix(container): update image ghcr.io/onedr0p/home-assistant to v2024.4.2 by @layla-bot in #2259
- chore(deps): update ansible-lint to 24.2.2 by @layla-bot in #2266
- feat(container)!: Update image docker.io/kopia/kopia to v20240409 by @layla-bot in #2267
- feat(helm): update rook-ceph group to v1.14.0 (minor) by @layla-bot in #2234
- fix(container): update image ghcr.io/dragonflydb/dragonfly to v1.16.1 by @layla-bot in #2260
- feat(container)!: Update image ghcr.io/mendhak/http-https-echo to v33 by @layla-bot in #2256
- feat(container): update image ghcr.io/coder/code-server to v4.23.0 by @layla-bot in #2262
- feat(container): update image ghcr.io/twin/gatus to v5.9.0 by @layla-bot in #2277
- fix(container): update image kube-prometheus-stack to v58.0.1 by @layla-bot in #2274
- fix(container): update image ghcr.io/koenkk/zigbee2mqtt to v1.36.1 by @layla-bot in #2272
- feat(container)!: Update image docker.io/kopia/kopia to v20240410 by @layla-bot in #2271
- fix(helm): update chart cilium to 1.15.4 by @layla-bot in #2276
- fix(github-release): update prometheus-operator/prometheus-operator to v0.73.1 by @layla-bot in #2273
- fix(container): update image docker.io/timberio/vector to v0.37.1 by @layla-bot in #2265
- fix(container): update image ghcr.io/cloudnative-pg/postgresql to v16.2-12 by @layla-bot in #2270
- feat(container): update image docker.io/cloudflare/cloudflared to v2024.4.0 by @layla-bot in #2269
- fix(container): update image spegel to v0.0.21 by @layla-bot in #2268
- fix(helm): update chart reloader to 1.0.79 by @layla-bot in #2258
- fix(helm): update chart cilium to 1.15.4 by @layla-bot in #2275
- fix(container): update image ghcr.io/cloudnative-pg/postgresql to v16.2-13 by @layla-bot in #2287
- chore(deps): update @types/node to 20.12.7 by @layla-bot in #2284
- feat(container)!: Update image docker.io/kopia/kopia to v20240412 by @layla-bot in #2283
- fix(helm): update chart volsync to 0.9.1 by @layla-bot in #2282
- feat(container): update image kube-prometheus-stack to v58.1.1 by @layla-bot in #2278
- fix(container): update image ghcr.io/onedr0p/home-assistant to v2024.4.3 by @layla-bot in #2279
- Pulumi test 2 by @kashalls in #2288
- fix(helm): update chart grafana to 7.3.8 by @layla-bot in #2280
- fix(container): update image ghcr.io/onedr0p/volsync to v0.9.1 by @layla-bot in #2281
- fix(deps): update @pulumi/pulumi to 3.113.0 by @layla-bot in #2293
- feat(ansible): update ansible.utils to 4.1.0 by @layla-bot in #2291
- fix(container): update image kube-prometheus-stack to v58.1.2 by @layla-bot in #2292
- feat(github-action)!: Update pulumi/actions action to v5 by @layla-bot in #2290
- feat(github-action)!: Update actions/setup-node action to v4.0.2 by @layla-bot in #2289
- feat(container): update image ghcr.io/dragonflydb/dragonfly to v1.17.0 by @layla-bot in #2296
- feat(container)!: Update image docker.io/kopia/kopia to v20240415 by @layla-bot in #2295
- fix(container): update image ghcr.io/coder/code-server to v4.23.1 by @layla-bot in #2294
- fix(helm): update rook-ceph group to v1.14.1 (patch) by @layla-bot in #2310
- fix(helm): update chart authentik to 2024.2.3 by @layla-bot in #2309
- fix(container): update image ghcr.io/buroa/system-upgrade-controller to v0.14.3 by @layla-bot in #2307
- fix(deps): update @pulumi/cloudflare to 5.26.0 by @layla-bot in #2308
- fix(container): update image gha-runner-scale-set-controller to v0.9.1 by @layla-bot in #2305
- feat(container): update image ghcr.io/onedr0p/kubanetics to v2024.4.1 by @layla-bot in #2300
- fix(container): update image gha-runner-scale-set to v0.9.1 by @layla-bot in #2304
- fix(container): update image ghcr.io/siderolabs/kubelet to v1.29.4 by @layla-bot in #2301
- feat(terraform)!: Update Terraform authentik to 2024.2.0 by @layla-bot in #2315
- chore(deps): update docker/login-action digest to e92390c by @layla-bot in #2312
- chore(deps): update actions/create-github-app-token digest to 7bfa3a4 by @layla-bot in #2311
- fix(terraform): update terraform http to 3.4.2 by @layla-bot in #2313
- feat(terraform): update terraform cloudflare to 4.30.0 by @layla-bot in #2314
- fix(container): update image quay.io/minio/minio to release.2024-04-18t19-09-19z by @layla-bot in #2322
- fix(container): update image kube-prometheus-stack to v58.1.3 by @layla-bot in #2297
- fix(helm): update chart external-secrets to 0.9.16 by @layla-bot in #2321
- fix(deps): update @pulumi/pulumi to 3.113.1 by @layla-bot in #2320
- feat(container): update image ghcr.io/siderolabs/kubelet to v1.30.0 by @layla-bot in #2319
- chore(deps): update helmrepository to source.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v1beta2 by @layla-bot in #2316
- fix(helm): update chart loki to 6.2.1 by @layla-bot in #2264
- fix(helm): update chart grafana to 7.3.9 by @layla-bot in #2318
- fix(container): update image ghcr.io/dragonflydb/dragonfly to v1.17.1 by @layla-bot in #2317
- fix(helm): update chart reloader to 1.0.80 by @layla-bot in #2306
- feat(helm): update chart tailscale-operator to 1.64.1 by @layla-bot in #2303
- feat(container)!: Update image docker.io/kopia/kopia to v20240417 by @layla-bot in #2302
- feat(container): update image registry.k8s.io/kubectl to v1.30.0 by @layla-bot in #2298
- chore(grafana-dashboard): update dashboard kubernetes / system / coredns to revision 18 by @layla-bot in #2338
- feat(github-action)!: Update image ghcr.io/allenporter/flux-local to v5 by @layla-bot in #2337
- feat(container)!: Update image docker.io/kopia/kopia to v20240419 by @layla-bot in #2335
- fix(github-release): update prometheus-operator/prometheus-operator to v0.73.2 by @layla-bot in #2331
- fix(helm): update chart tailscale-operator to 1.64.2 by @layla-bot in #2325
- fix(container): update image ghcr.io/cloudnative-pg/postgresql to v16.2-14 by @layla-bot in #2323
- fix(container): update image ghcr.io/unpoller/unpoller to v2.11.2 by @layla-bot in #2334
- feat(container): update image ghcr.io/siderolabs/kubelet to v1.30.0 by @layla-bot in #2328
- fix(container): update image ghcr.io/onedr0p/kubanetics to v2024.4.2 by @layla-bot in #2330
- fix(helm): update rook-ceph group to v1.14.2 (patch) by @layla-bot in #2333
- feat(container): update image kube-prometheus-stack to v58.2.1 by @layla-bot in #2332
- feat(container): update image ghcr.io/twin/gatus to v5.10.0 by @layla-bot in #2326
- feat(helm): update chart loki to 6.3.3 by @layla-bot in #2327
- fix(deps): update @pulumi/pulumi to 3.113.3 by @layla-bot in #2324
- fix(github-action): update image ghcr.io/allenporter/flux-local to v5.0.1 by @layla-bot in #2339
- feat(container): update image ghcr.io/siderolabs/installer to v1.7.0 by @layla-bot in #2329
- feat(container)!: Update image docker.io/kopia/kopia to v20240425 by @layla-bot in #2360
- feat(helm): update chart cloudnative-pg to 0.21.0 by @layla-bot in #2359
- fix(helm): update chart cert-manager to v1.14.5 by @layla-bot in #2358
- fix(container): update image ghcr.io/cloudnative-pg/postgresql to v16.2-16 by @layla-bot in #2357
- feat(terraform): update terraform authentik to 2024.4.0 by @layla-bot in #2355
- fix(helm): update chart reloader to 1.0.83 by @layla-bot in #2354
- chore(container): update image ghcr.io/diced/zipline to 091ff6a by @layla-bot in #2352
- fix(container): update image thanos to v1.16.5 by @layla-bot in #2340
- fix(container): update image ghcr.io/buroa/system-upgrade-controller to v0.14.4 by @layla-bot in #2341
- fix(container): update image ghcr.io/onedr0p/home-assistant to v2024.4.4 by @layla-bot in #2350
- fix(container): update image kube-prometheus-stack to v58.2.2 by @layla-bot in #2353
- feat(container): update image ghcr.io/onedr0p/actions-runner to v2.316.0 by @layla-bot in #2348
- chore(deps): update ansible to 9.5.1 by @layla-bot in #2347
- feat(ansible): update community.general to 8.6.0 by @layla-bot in #2343
- fix(container): update image docker.io/cloudflare/cloudflared to v2024.4.1 by @layla-bot in #2346
- fix(helm): update chart loki to 6.3.4 by @layla-bot in #2344
- chore(deps): update actions/checkout digest to 0ad4b8f by @layla-bot in #2342
- fix(container): update image spegel to v0.0.22 by @layla-bot in #2349
- fix(github-release): update k3s-io/k3s to v1.29.4+k3s1 by @layla-bot in #2366
- fix(deps): update @pulumi/pulumi to 3.114.0 by @layla-bot in #2364
- fix(helm): update chart authentik to 2024.4.1 by @layla-bot in #2363
- feat(container)!: Update image docker.io/kopia/kopia to v20240426 by @layla-bot in #2365
- fix(helm): update chart ingress-nginx to 4.10.1 by @layla-bot in #2362
- fix(helm): update chart reloader to 1.0.88 by @layla-bot in #2361
- fix(helm): update chart reloader to 1.0.91 by @layla-bot in #2369
- feat(github-action): update image ghcr.io/allenporter/flux-local to v5.1.0 by @layla-bot in #2367
- fix(helm): update chart cloudnative-pg to 0.21.1 by @layla-bot in #2368
Full Changelog: 2024.4.0...2024.5.0