No problem! Here's a version under 350 characters: Punik: Transforming Iran’s Café Industry Punik is a platform revolutionizing Iran's café industry through community-driven support, staff training, and educational programs. We offer tools and resources to elevate café culture and operations, helping café professionals succeed and thrive.
Welcome to the Punik web platform, a comprehensive solution for transforming the café industry in Iran. This project combines the power of Django for backend operations and Next.js for the frontend to create a seamless experience for café owners, managers, and enthusiasts.
- Introduction
- Project Structure
- Features
- Installation
- Running the Project
- Environment Variables
- API Endpoints
- License
Punik is more than just an educational platform—it's a thriving community designed to uplift the café industry. Our platform offers a range of services including educational programs, staff training, and management tools. Whether you're a seasoned professional or a curious enthusiast, Punik is here to support you.
This project is divided into two main parts:
- Backend (Django): Handles the API, database models, and business logic.
- Frontend (Next.js): Provides the user interface and interacts with the Django backend through API calls.
├── backend/ # Django project directory
│ ├── punik/ # Django project configuration
│ ├── users/ # User authentication and profiles
│ ├── services/ # Services offered by Punik
│ ├── programs/ # Educational programs and courses
│ ├── blog/ # Blog and resources
│ ├── payments/ # Payment handling
│ ├── contact/ # Contact form submissions
│ └── # Django management script
└── frontend/ # Next.js project directory
├── pages/ # Next.js pages
├── components/ # Reusable React components
├── public/ # Static assets
└── package.json # Node.js dependencies
User Authentication: Secure login and registration system.
Educational Programs: Comprehensive courses for café staff and enthusiasts.
Service Management: Detailed service offerings for café owners.
Blog & Resources: A hub for industry news, tutorials, and guides.
Responsive Design: Mobile-friendly layout using Next.js.
Admin Dashboard: Manage users, services, programs, and content from an easy-to-use admin panel.
Backend (Django)
Clone the Repository:
Copy code
git clone
cd punik/backend
Create a Virtual Environment:
Copy code
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
Install Dependencies:
Copy code
pip install -r requirements.txt
Apply Migrations:
Copy code
python migrate
Create a Superuser:
Copy code
python createsuperuser
Frontend (Next.js)
Navigate to the Frontend Directory:
Copy code
cd ../frontend
Install Dependencies:
Copy code
npm install
Running the Project
Backend (Django)
Start the Django development server:
Copy code
cd backend
python runserver
Frontend (Next.js)
Start the Next.js development server:
Copy code
cd frontend
npm run dev
Visit http://localhost:8000 for the Django backend and http://localhost:3000 for the Next.js frontend.
Environment Variables
Ensure the following environment variables are set for both the Django and Next.js environments:
Backend (Django)
SECRET_KEY: Django secret key.
DEBUG: Debug mode (set to False in production).
DATABASE_URL: URL for the database connection.
Frontend (Next.js)
NEXT_PUBLIC_API_URL: The base URL of the Django API.
API Endpoints
Here are some key API endpoints exposed by the Django backend:
/api/auth/ - User authentication endpoints.
/api/services/ - CRUD operations for services.
/api/programs/ - CRUD operations for educational programs.
/api/blog/ - Fetch and manage blog posts.
/api/payments/ - Handle payments and transactions.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.
Copy code
### Additional Notes
- Replace placeholder URLs and text like `yourusername` with actual values specific to your project.
- You might need to adjust the directory structure if your project setup differs slightly.
- Make sure to add any additional environment variables or installation steps specific to your project setup.
This `` should provide a clear guide for anyone wanting to set up or contribut