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  • Code developed by Kaviraj Gosaye, QMUL

  • Student ID: 220575371

  • Package Name : ar_week8_test


This ROS package will automatically generate point-to-point cubic trajectories connecting pairs of randomly generated points

Commands to run package:

  1. Unzip package ar_week8_test into the 'src' folder of the root directory of your catkin workspace.

  2. Launch a terminal for ROS

  3. Execute the following to setup environment variables: source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash

  4. Build package (in root directory): catkin_make

  5. Source the workspace: source devel/setup.bash

  6. Execute the command to run the package: roslaunch ar_week8_test cubic_traj_gen.launch

Running the step 6 will start the nodes and service and rqt_graph and rqt_plot GUI will automatically open.

  • Select the topics trajPos, trajVel and trajAcc in rqt_plot to visualize the values.
  • Select Nodes/Topics(active) and click on refresh in rqt_graph to visualize the nodes and topics

Tech and Versions:

  1. Ubuntu 20.04.6 - focal
  2. ROS Noetic
  3. catkin
  4. rqt
  5. Python 3.8.10

Package Structure:


Communication Flow:



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