This repository contains all things needed for the final projects. Your task is to optimize a NN by AutoML means. For details, please refer to the project PDF.
Use a package manager, such as the one provided by your editor, python's built in venv
or miniconda.
Subsequently, for example, run these commands, following the prompted runtime instructions:
conda create -n automl python=3.10
conda activate automl
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Make sure you have python 3.8/3.9/3.10
python -V
python -m venv my-virtual-env
pip install -r requirements.txt
If you have issues installing SMAC, follow the instructions here.
You need to pre-download all the data required by running python
Stores by default in a ./data
directory. Takes under 20 seconds to download and extract.
All code we provide does consider validation and training sets. You will have to implement a method to use the test set yourself.
- Example of how to use SMAC with multi-fidelity optimization.
- The example uses image size as the fidelity.
- To get quick results, you can lower the image size to 4x4 for a quick debug signal if you like. However, make sure when comparing to any baseline to always use the maximum fidelity of 32x32.
- The configsapce that we used to get the baseline performance is in default_configspace.json.
- This script leverages SMAC for multifidelity optimization. It operates within a basic default configuration space.
- Utilizing the new configuration space and integrating proxy optimization with warm-start techniques, this code aims to enhance model performance.
- By incorporating Regularized Evolution alongside Proxy optimization, this script aims to further refine final model performance.
- This Python file encapsulates the implementation of the early stopping mechanism, a crucial component for improving optimization efficiency.