This application is designed to make free lance project be more efficient and successful. This project creates a platform for developer and client to share information, agree on milestones, and track progress. Furthermore it propmts developers to use well vetted coding methodologies so small scale projects are as well thought out as large enterprise projects.
- Centralized client and developer communication
- Centralized project planning and management
MYSQL database
* userid
* password/hash
* email
* first_name
* user_type
* project_id
* project_name
* start_date
* status (boolean)
* Project_manager (FK, USerID)
* FileID
* FileName
* Uploader (FK, User)
* taskid
* taskName
* projects(id)
* usersid
* sprinted
* sprintname
* tasks(id)
* deadline
These tables contain the data to process login requests and provided information about web development projects and their components
- This application is intended for private use
- Users will be added on a project-by-project basis
- Application design will be built with scalability in mind