Generate intelligent random data based on a spec file.
- examples
- helper functions to generate random data
- customizable output JSON lines (jsonld / ndjson) or JSON Array
- custom spec files to generate new rows based on previously generated data (for example account balance must take into account previous transaction as well)
- using PNPM
pnpm add -D feku
- using NPM
npm install --save-dev feku
When installed locally in a project using pnpm, run CLI using PNPM pnpm feku <spec-file.js> [options]
accepts number of items to generate--array
feku examples/movies.js
by default produces json lines (jsonld / ndjson)
{"title":"sint voluptatem","year":2014,"rating":4,"duration":102,"genre":"Romance","image":"","description":"Laudantium minima quae libero asperiores voluptatem adipisci. Doloribus rerum praesentium.","cast":["Shawna Pollich DVM","Miss Josefina Schmidt","Lizeth"]}
{"title":"aperiam nostrum odit excepturi sint","year":2001,"rating":2,"duration":110,"genre":"Comedy","image":"","description":"Fuga quod culpa qui. Provident voluptatum qui eum omnis.","cast":["Phil Casper","Sergio Pfeffer","Yvonne"]}
{"title":"iure","year":1985,"rating":5,"duration":134,"genre":"Drama","image":"","description":"Quia incidunt ipsum maiores. Libero similique assumenda deserunt aliquam harum iure nemo fuga consequatur.","cast":["Kristin Hintz","Dr. Danielle Batz","Mavis"]}
{"title":"aliquam","year":1989,"rating":1,"duration":113,"genre":"Comedy","image":"","description":"Et omnis ipsam placeat est harum adipisci. Illum et consequatur.","cast":["Gerardo MacGyver","Miss Lester Brakus","Retha"]}
feku examples/people.js --count=5 --array
produces an array of five person objects
"name": "Lindsay Swaniawski",
"age": 85
"name": "Mattie Romaguera",
"age": 37
"name": "Tabitha Harber",
"age": 99
"name": "Virginia Schinner",
"age": 69
"name": "Kara Kihn",
"age": 47
We can pass in extra args like start and end date.
feku examples/account.js --count 5 --startDate 2022-04-01 --endDate 2022-04-30
{"date":"2022-04-01","desc":"laudantium quae","amt":-8,"bal":1241}
{"date":"2022-04-02","desc":"dolorum eligendi omnis officiis qui","amt":22,"bal":1263}
{"date":"2022-04-05","desc":"rem qui incidunt et","amt":-61,"bal":1202}
{"date":"2022-04-08","desc":"libero porro","amt":-32,"bal":1170}
{"date":"2022-04-20","desc":"aut id","amt":-20,"bal":1150}
At minimum, the spec file needs to export a default function (you can give it whatever name the suits it purpose, see examples)
export default function rowBuilder({faker}) {
return {
we can export initialContext
, that is passed to the rowBuilder as well which can be used to control seed data.
These attributes can be overridden from the CLI as well.
export const initialContext = {
count: 30
We can use feku to generate data on the fly in browser/node or any other javascript environment. Following is an example:
import { generate } from "feku";
export function generateData(n = 10) {
const data = [];
function rowBuilder({ faker }) {
return {
age: faker.datatype.number({ min: 1, max: 100 }),
phone:"(+##) #### ### ###")
for (let row of generate({ count: n }, rowBuilder)) {
return data;