Download meteorological data records from Nasa Power.
You will receive data on:
- Temperature (Temperature at 2 Meters, Wet Bulb Temperature at 2 Meters, etc.)
- Humidity/Precipitation (Specific Humidity at 2 Meters, Relative Humidity at 2 Meters, Precipitation)
- Wind/Pressure (Surface Pressure, Wind Speed at 10 meters, etc.)
You can find a detailed list of all available parameters at:
Simply edit the config.yaml by specifying your latitude, longitude, start date, and end date values.
# Location
lat: 53.524960
lon: -1.627447
# Format: YYYYMMDD
# Earliest is 19810101
start_date: 20100301
# Format: YYYYMMDD
end_date: 20210101
Hit run to save the respective .csv file in the project's data directory.