Plugin to show images from cordova project and use it with native components.
cordova plugin add
OR from
cordova plugin add es.keensoft.fullscreenimage
Usage with your javascript code (Images should be inside www/pathOfImage):
Usage with base64 image String code:
FullScreenImage.showImageBase64(base64String, name, type);
iOS ( >= iOS 6) Full Screen Image Plugin, open UIDocumentInteractionController to show image.
Android Full Screen Image Plugin, use Intent to open it with external Imageviewer. This plugins checks Application can use getExternalStorageDirectory
You can test the plugin fast and easy. Go to "example/" path and execute ionic project. Get started with ionic here
First execute: "ionic platform add ios" and then you can open iOS project.
Added Simple Photo Gallery using IonicFramework, loading array of Base64 images or local URL's.
cordova plugin remove FullScreenImage
iPad2 (iOS 7), iPhone 4S (iOS 7), iPhone 5 (iOS 7), Galaxy Note II (4.3)