Classic Models is a software which scale models of a classic cars database. It contains typical business data such as customers, products, sales orders, sales order line items, etc.
- Java 8
- JoinFaces 4
- Spring Boot 2.2.1 (Spring Data, Security)
- Primefaces 7.0
- Primefaces Extensions 7.0.3
- Lombok 1.18.10
- CDI 2.0
- Flyway 6.0.8
- QueryDSL 4.2.2
- Mapstruct 1.3.1.Final
- Passay 1.5.0
- Apache Tomcat 9.0.30
The MySQL sample database schema consists of the following tables:
- Customers: stores customer’s data.
- Products: stores a list of scale model cars.
- ProductLines: stores a list of product line categories.
- Orders: stores sales orders placed by customers.
- OrderDetails: stores sales order line items for each sales order.
- Payments: stores payments made by customers based on their accounts.
- Employees: stores all employee information as well as the organization structure such as who reports to whom.
- Offices: stores sales office data.
You can get more information and download a base version of the database here: MySQL Sample Database
- Link:
- Username: Test1
- Password:
Under construction
- Finish this monolithic application
- Add an User/Role/Permission feature to the application
- Add Docker
- Implement a CI/CD structure
- Create a REST API version (another project)
- Create a Angular client