I wanted a way to quickly switch between my bluetooth headset, and my on-board speakers. After a little bit of poking around (and getting some inspiration from rofi-bluetooth, I came up with this. I have not done any extensive testing. I don't know if this even works anywhere other than my computer. I also don't know long-term if I am even sticking with I3. I simply built this to scratch a curiosity itch with I3 and pactl.
This script requires two additional commands
- pactl - This is the main requirement for determining the devices
- dunstify - Used for notifications when the device is changed. Technically not needed, but currently there are no checks or config options to not use it.
For Fedora this would be done with the following:
dnf install pulseaudio-utils dunst
I don't know where any other distros keep those things, but it's probably pretty similar to those.
- Clone this repo
- Copy rofi-sound-output-chooser to somewhere in your $PATH
I have this bound within a mode, but you could do something like
bindsym $mod+0 exec --no-startup-id rofi -show rofi-sound -modi "rofi-sound:rofi-sound-output-chooser"