Code for fitting population receptive fields (Dumoulin & Wandell, 2008) for multidimensional models. Includes optional compressive spatial summation exponential parameter (Kay et al., 2013).
Add pathing to pRF package
Open demopRF.m
open demopRF
Edit Pathing to Directories
- Edit directories section as based on your computer's pathing
% paths = createPaths(); % initialize paths structure % = fullfile(paths.main, 'DemoData'); % path to demostration data directory % paths.results = fullfile(paths.main, 'DemoExampleResults'); % path to output results directory % paths = createPaths(paths); % create paths if they do not already exist
Run demopRF.m
- Estimates pRF parameters, mu & sigma & exp, along with Boynton HRF parameters, tau & delta, for the demonstration data
- Plots histogram of estimated pRF parameters mu, sigma, exp, and corr
- Plots pRF model predicted voxel time courses vs. actual voxel time courses
- Plots estimated Boynton HRF as a function of time
I've written a tutorial that walks through the concepts of pRF modeling in case you're new to the topic.
- createScan.m can now also take in FreeSurfer .nii, .nii.gz, .mgz files along with .label files (to select ROIs)
- Edited HRF options, can now provide other parameterized HRF function other than the BoyntonHRF such as the TwoGammaHRF from SPM
- Edited HRF estimating methods, can now iteratively fit HRF parameters either voxels that past a correlation threshold and/or are in the top percentage of initial correlation fits
- Incorporated timing interpolation if stimulus image and voxel time courses were collected at different sampling rates
- Add plotHRF.m to visualize the HRF used to fit the pRF model
- Optimizing for redundant code calls and efficiency. Also reduced nested structure layers
- General documentation editing for spelling errors and clarity
Kelly Chang - @kellychang4 -
Dumoulin, S. O., & Wandell, B. A. (2008). Population receptive field estimates in human visual cortex. Neuroimage, 39(2), 647-660.
Kay, K. N., Winawer, J., Mezer, A., & Wandell, B. A. (2013). Compressive spatial summation in human visual cortex. Journal of neurophysiology, 110(2), 481-494.