This library is Echo HTTP middleware that provides server-side application layer caching for REST APIs.
I tried to use this library for my personal project to cache API response using a redis standalone server, but it didn't work well. The library hasn't been updated in a while and it seems like it is not maintained so I forked from and modifeid the code.
- Support different store (local memory, redis Standalone, redis cluster) for caching
- Enable to set different expiration time for each API
- Enable to exclude any APIs not to cache
supports 2 last Go versions and requires a Go version with modules support. So make sure to initialize a Go module as follows.
go mod init
And then install kenshin579/echo-http-cache
go get
Here are two examples:
- Using local memory
- Using redis standalone server
package main
import (
echoCacheMiddleware ""
func Test_LocalMemory(t *testing.T) {
e := echo.New()
Store: echoCacheMiddleware.NewCacheMemoryStoreWithConfig(echoCacheMiddleware.CacheMemoryStoreConfig{
Capacity: 5,
Algorithm: echoCacheMiddleware.LFU,
Expiration: 10 * time.Second,
e.GET("/hello", func(c echo.Context) error {
return c.String(http.StatusOK, "Hello, Echo!")
func Test_Redis_Standalone(t *testing.T) {
e := echo.New()
Store: echoCacheMiddleware.NewCacheRedisStoreWithConfig(redis.Options{
Addr: "localhost",
Password: "password",
Expiration: 5 * time.Minute,
IncludePathsWithExpiration: map[string]time.Duration{
"/hello": 1 * time.Minute,
ExcludePaths: []string{"/ping"},
e.GET("/hello", func(c echo.Context) error {
return c.String(http.StatusOK, "Hello, Echo!")
e.GET("/ping", func(c echo.Context) error {
return c.String(http.StatusOK, "pong")
This code is released under the MIT License