Fills a SQL table from a CSV file.
Moves the mouse to press a button. Enters each item from the CSV with a tab between entries. Presses the button after each row.
usage: [-h] [--test] [-n N] [--delay DELAY] [-p] [-s S] tablefile location
Fill table from a CSV file.
positional arguments:
tablefile CSV file with the table.
location Location to move the mouse to. Top left corner of screen is 0_0, bottom right is 1919_1079. X
axis is along the top of the monitor, Y axis is along the left. eg: 100_100
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--test, -t Test the mouse location and exit.
-n N Number of rows to enter.
--delay DELAY, -d DELAY
Delay between rows.
-p Print mouse position.
-s S Seek to this entry