Reads a qualtrics form and fills out conversation data with residents. CURRENTLY ONLY WORKS FOR NORTH AVE AREA AND EAST CAMPUS
I have found a better way to install the chrome driver using with using the python package manager. Please see below to find new installation instructions.
How to download
On this page, find the code button and then either download the zip file or use git clone in your terminal to place the repository where you please.
Modules needed to be installed
You need to install all these libraries using pip/pip3 or you can set up a virtual environment with these libraries.
- selenium
- xlrd2
- datetime
- chromedriver-binary-auto
Declaring the spreadsheet with the information
Below is the template for how to fill out the data for the script. Please follow it exactly and make sure that the data is in the correct format (date column is formatted to date, etc.). After, you fill it out, download the file and make sure it is named conversations.xlsx and placed in the same directory/folder as the code (you can change the directory to the file in
The only two files that you would need to modify is the or the and the locations are all marked with the comment of "#TODO"
- is_nav in the is true for the nav area and false for the east campus dorms
- want_email in the is personal preference. Set this value to true if you would like to recieve a confirmation email, but make sure you actually have an email in the corresponding column of your spreadsheet otherwise it will send the email to Kevin :)...
- loc in excel_reader will change where the directory is for the excel file containing the list of residents and information