The goal of project is to demonstrate how to use Shiny & Rmarkdown to make large spreadsheets files interactive and easier to navigate.
- flexdashboard
- tidyverse
- ggmap
- plotly
- httr
- readxl
- janitor
- maps
- shiny
- Open the file florida_school_grades.Rmd and select Run Document or Ctr+Shift+K
Kevin Gilds, MPA is a nonprofit professional working in the Tampa area.
This application pulls district and school grades from spreadsheet files on the Florida Department of Education Website
School grades percentages are the on the following scale:
A = 62% of points or higher
B = 54%-61% of points
C = 41%-53% of points
D = 32%-40% of points
F = 31% or less of points.
For more information about how Florida School Grades are calculated: Methodology