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Chat resource used on the Poodle's Palace FiveM and RedM servers:

Based on the following resources:



  • Text chat is proximity by default
  • /global or /g to send a message to all players
  • /whisper or /w to send a private message
  • /staff channel based on an ace
  • Optionally sends events and global messages to a Discord channel via a webhook
  • Optionally displays messages from a Discord channel in-game
  • Optionally send player reports to a Discord channel
  • Configurable roles based on aces
  • Configurable emoji shortcuts (:heart:, :smile:, and so on) and emoji selector



The following variables in shared/config.lua control general settings for the chat:

Variable Description
Config.ActionColor The colour for action messages (/me).
Config.DefaultLocalColor The default colour for local messages.
Config.DefaultGlobalColor The default colour for global messages.
Config.DefaultStaffColor The default colour for staff messages.
Config.WhisperColor The colour for received whisper messages.
Config.WhisperEchoColor The colour for sent whisper messages.
Config.ActionDistance The distance between players at which actions will be visible.
Config.LocalMessageDistance The distance between players at which local messages will be visible.


The following variables in server/config.lua control the Discord integration:

Variable Description
ServerConfig.DiscordWebhookId The webhook ID to use to send messages to a channel.
ServerConfig.DiscordWebhookToken The webhook token to use to send messages to a channel.
ServerConfig.DiscordName The name to use when sending event messages (joins/disconnects).
ServerConfig.DiscordAvatar The avatar to use when sending event messages or if no avatar is found for a player.
ServerConfig.DiscordBotToken A Discord bot token to use in order to get messages and player avatars.
ServerConfig.DiscordChannel A Discord channel to echo messages in-game from.
ServerConfig.DiscordColor The colour for messages from Discord.
ServerConfig.DiscordReportWebhook A Discord webhook to send player reports to.
ServerConfig.DiscordReportColor Colour used for the report message embed on Discord.
ServerConfig.DiscordReportFeedbackSuccessMessage Message sent to players upon successfully submitting a report.
ServerConfig.DiscordReportFeedbackFailureMessage Message sent to players if a report fails to be submitted.
ServerConfig.DiscordReportFeedbackColor Colour for the above feedback message.
ServerConfig.DiscordRateLimit Time in milliseconds between any two Discord requests.
ServerConfig.SteamKey A Steam key to use in order to retrieve avatars from Steam.

All of these are optional, and can be left with their default value (empty string, '') to disable the Discord integration.

  • For sending in-game messages to Discord, at minimum ServerConfig.DiscordWebhookId and ServerConfig.DiscordWebhookToken must be set.
  • For receiving messages from Discord and displaying them in-game, at minimum ServerConfig.DiscordBotToken and ServerConfig.DiscordChannel must be set.

The ID and token of a Discord webhook can be found from the URL:<id>/<token>

Staff channel

The ServerConfig.StaffChannelAce variable in server/config.lua defines the ace that determines which players can access the Staff channel. By default, it is chat.staffChannel.

If you add/remove the ace for players while the server is running, you must run poodlechat_refresh_perms or restart the resource to apply the changes.


Roles are labels that appear next to a player's name in chat, such as "Admin" or "Moderator". Each role is associated with an ace, so that any players with that ace will receive that role. Optionally, each role can be given a colour that overrides the default local and global chat colours for names.

The list of available roles is configured in server/config.lua.


Config.Roles = {
    {name = 'Admin', ace = 'chat.admin'},
    {name = 'Moderator', color = {0, 255, 0}, ace = 'chat.moderator'}

In server.cfg:

add_ace group.admin chat.admin allow
add_ace group.moderator chat.moderator allow

Execute commands from Discord

To enable executing commands from the Discord channel, you must:

  1. Add principals for the Discord IDs of all Discord users that can execute commands.

  2. Grant those principals the ace defined in ServerConfig.ExecuteCommandsAce.

  3. Grant the poodlechat resource any aces needed to execute the desired commands.


# Add Discord users as moderators
add_principal identifier.discord:123456789 group.moderator
add_principal identifier.discord:987654321 group.moderator

# Allow moderators to execute commands from Discord
add_ace group.moderator chat.executeCommands

# Specify which commands can be used from Discord
add_ace resource.poodlechat command.kick allow
add_ace resource.poodlechat command.ban allow

You will then be able to prefix messages with ! in the channel specified in ServerConfig.DiscordChannel to have them executed as commands on the server:

!kick "Some Player" "Get outta here!"

The following variables in server/config.lua control aspects of executing commands from Discord:

Variable Description
ServerConfig.ExecuteCommandsAce The ace that allows executing commands from Discord.
ServerConfig.ChatCommandPrefix The prefix used in Discord chat to execute a command.
ServerConfig.DeleteChatCommands Whether to automatically delete chat commands from the Discord channel.


Shortcuts for emoji can be configured in shared/emoji.lua.



Clears the chat window history.

/global [message]
/g [message]

Sends a message to all players in the server.

/me [action]

Sends a message to nearby players in the form of [name] [action].

/mute [player]

Mutes a player, hiding their messages in text chat.


Show a list of muted players.

/reply [message]
/r [message]

Sends a message to the last player that sent you a private message (/whisper) or that you sent a private message to.

/report [player] [reason]

If enabled, sends a player report to a specified Discord channel.

/say [message]

Sends a message to nearby players. The default text chat is also overridden to be proximity-based.

/staff [message]

Sends a message to all staff members.


Toggles the chat window on/off.


Unmute a player, allowing you to see their messages in text chat again.

/whisper [player] [message]
/w [player] [message]

Sends a private message to a player. [player] can be either an ID number or name.