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Pushy returns reify instance which wraps goog.history.Html5History
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Previously pushy was constructing instance of goog.history.Html5History
before user initialized library.

Update API to use IHistory protocol which implements wrapper
methods for goog.history.Html5History and `start!` and `stop!` methods
for pushy event listeners

Test suite also passes!
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wavejumper committed Apr 28, 2015
1 parent 0fdb417 commit 6be68dd
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A Clojurescript library for quick and easy HTML5 pushState.

What it does:

* Initializes `goog.history.HTML5History`
* Adds an event listener to all `click` events, which dispatches on all matched routes. Bypasses Alt, Shift, Meta, Ctrl keys as well as middle clicks.

## Install

[![Clojars Project](](
Expand All @@ -16,66 +11,85 @@ What it does:

### Setup

You can initialize pushState by calling the `push-state!` function.
You can construct a new instance by calling the `pushy` function.

This takes in two arguments:
`pushy` takes in two arguments:

* `dispatch` fn: gets called when there is a match
* `match` fn: checks if the path matches any routes defined.

Optionally, you can pass in an `identity` fn which parses and returns the route based on the result of the `match` fn

### Event listeners

You can start the event listeners with the `start!` method.

This adds an event listener to all `click` events, which dispatches on all matched routes.
Bypasses on Alt, Shift, Meta, Ctrl keys and middle clicks.

The `stop!` method will tear down all event listeners of the pushy instance.

pushy should work with any routing library.
### Routing libraries

pushy should work with any routing library:


(ns foo.core
(:require [secretary.core :as secretary :include-macros true :refer [defroute]]
[pushy.core :as pushy :refer [push-state!]))
(ns foo.core
(:require [secretary.core :as secretary :include-macros true :refer-macros [defroute]]
[pushy.core :as pushy]))

(secretary/set-config! :prefix "/")
(secretary/set-config! :prefix "/")

(defroute index "/" []
(.log js/console "Hi"))
(defroute index "/" []
(.log js/console "Hi"))

(push-state! secretary/dispatch!
(fn [x] (when (secretary/locate-route x) x)))
(def history (pushy/pushy secretary/dispatch!
(fn [x] (when (secretary/locate-route x) x))))

;; Start event listeners
(pushy/init! history)


(ns foo.core
(:require [bidi.bidi :as bidi]
[pushy.core :as pushy :refer [push-state!]))
(ns foo.core
(:require [bidi.bidi :as bidi]
[pushy.core :as pushy))

(def state (atom {}))

(def state (atom {}))
(def app-routes
["/" {"foo" :foo}])

(def app-routes
["/" {"foo" :foo}])
(defn set-page! [match]
(swap! state assoc :page match))

(defn set-page! [match]
(swap state assoc :page match))
(def history
(pushy/pushy set-page! (partial bidi/match-route app-routes)))

(push-state! set-page! (partial bidi/match-route app-routes))
(pushy/init! history)

### set-token!
### goog.history.HTML5History methods

It is also possible to set the history state by calling the `set-token!` function. This will also call the `dispatch` fn on a successfully matched path.
You can set the history state manually by calling the `set-token!` method. This will call the `dispatch` fn on a successfully matched path.


(set-token! "/foo")
(set-token! history "/foo")

(get-token history)
;; => /foo

Likewise, you can call `replace-token!` which will also call the `dispatch` fn, but replaces the current history state without affecting the rest of the history stack.
Likewise, you can call `replace-token!` which will also call the `dispatch` fn and replace the current history state without affecting the rest of the history stack.

## License

Copyright © 2014

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at
your option) any later version.
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0
12 changes: 3 additions & 9 deletions project.clj
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:url ""}

:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.6.0"]
[org.clojure/clojurescript "0.0-2356"]]
[org.clojure/clojurescript "0.0-3211"]]

:aliases {"deploy" ["do" "clean," "deploy" "clojars"]
"test" ["do" "clean," "with-profile" "dev" "cljsbuild" "test"]}
Expand All @@ -14,18 +14,12 @@
:shell ["lein" "deploy"]}

:profiles {:dev {:dependencies [[secretary "1.2.1"]]

:plugins [[lein-cljsbuild "1.0.3"]
[com.cemerick/clojurescript.test "0.3.1"]]
:plugins [[lein-cljsbuild "1.0.5"]
[com.cemerick/clojurescript.test "0.3.3"]]

{"unit" ["phantomjs" :runner
{:test {:source-paths ["src" "test"]
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165 changes: 84 additions & 81 deletions src/pushy/core.cljs
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(recur-href (.-parentNode target)))))

(defn- update-history! [h]
(.setUseFragment h false)
(.setPathPrefix h "")
(.setEnabled h true)
(doto h
(.setUseFragment false)
(.setPathPrefix "")
(.setEnabled true)))

(defn- set-retrieve-token! [t]
(set! (.. t -retrieveToken)
Expand All @@ -35,86 +35,89 @@
(str path-prefix token)))

(def transformer
(-> (TokenTransformer.) set-retrieve-token! set-create-url!))

(def history
(-> (Html5History. js/window transformer) update-history!))

(defn set-token!
"Sets the history state"
(. history (setToken token)))
([token title]
(. history (setToken token title))))

(defn replace-token!
"Replaces the current history state without affecting the rest of the history stack"
(. history (replaceToken token)))
([token title]
(. history (replaceToken token title))))

(defn get-token
"Returns the current token"
(.getToken history))

(defn supported?
"Returns whether Html5History is supported"
(.isSupported Html5History window))

(defn push-state!
"Initializes push state using goog.history.Html5History
Adds an event listener to all click events and dispatches `dispatch-fn`
when the target element contains a href attribute that matches
any of the routes returned by `match-fn`
Takes in three functions:
(defn new-history
(new-history (-> (TokenTransformer.) set-retrieve-token! set-create-url!)))
(-> (Html5History. js/window transformer) update-history!)))

(defprotocol IHistory
(set-token! [this token] [this token title])
(replace-token! [this token] [this token title])
(get-token [this])
(start! [this])
(stop! [this]))

(defn pushy
"Takes in three functions:
* dispatch-fn: the function that dispatches when a match is found
* match-fn: the function used to check if a particular route exists
* identity-fn: (optional) extract the route from value returned by match-fn"
([dispatch-fn match-fn]
(push-state! dispatch-fn match-fn identity))

(pushy dispatch-fn match-fn identity))
([dispatch-fn match-fn identity-fn]
;; We want to call `dispatch-fn` on any change to the location
(events/listen history EventType.NAVIGATE
(fn [e]
(if-let [match (-> (.-token e) match-fn identity-fn)]
(dispatch-fn match))))

;; Dispatch on initialization
(when-let [match (-> (get-token) match-fn identity-fn)]
(dispatch-fn match))
(let [history (new-history)
event-keys (atom nil)]
(set-token! [_ token]
(. history (setToken token)))
(set-token! [_ token title]
(. history (setToken token title)))

(replace-token! [_ token]
(. history (setToken token)))
(replace-token! [_ token title]
(. history (setToken token title)))

(get-token [_]
(.getToken history))

(start! [this]
(stop! this)
;; We want to call `dispatch-fn` on any change to the location
(swap! event-keys conj
(events/listen history EventType.NAVIGATE
(fn [e]
(if-let [match (-> (.-token e) match-fn identity-fn)]
(dispatch-fn match)))))

;; Dispatch on initialization
(when-let [match (-> (get-token this) match-fn identity-fn)]
(dispatch-fn match))

(swap! event-keys conj
(fn [e]
(when-let [el (recur-href (-> e .-target))]
(let [href (.-href el)
path (->> href (.parse Uri) .getPath)]
;; Proceed if `identity-fn` returns a value and
;; the user did not trigger the event via one of the
;; keys we should bypass
(when (and (identity-fn (match-fn path))
;; Bypass dispatch if any of these keys
(not (.-altKey e))
(not (.-ctrlKey e))
(not (.-metaKey e))
(not (.-shiftKey e))
;; Bypass if target = _blank
(not (= "_blank" (.getAttribute el "target")))
;; Bypass dispatch if middle click
(not= 1 (.-button e)))
;; Dispatch!
(if-let [title (-> el .-title)]
(set-token! this path title)
(set-token! this path))
(.preventDefault e)))))))

(stop! [this]
(doseq [key @event-keys]
(events/unlistenByKey key))
(reset! event-keys nil))))))

;; Setup event listener on all 'click' events
(fn [e]
(when-let [el (recur-href (-> e .-target))]
(let [href (.-href el)
path (->> href (.parse Uri) .getPath)]
;; Proceed if `identity-fn` returns a value and
;; the user did not trigger the event via one of the
;; keys we should bypass
(when (and (identity-fn (match-fn path))
;; Bypass dispatch if any of these keys
(not (.-altKey e))
(not (.-ctrlKey e))
(not (.-metaKey e))
(not (.-shiftKey e))
;; Bypass if target = _blank
(not (= "_blank" (.getAttribute el "target")))
;; Bypass dispatch if middle click
(not= 1 (.-button e)))
;; Dispatch!
(set-token! path (-> el .-title))
(.preventDefault e))))))))

(defn unlisten!
"Closes the pushy event listeners"
(events/unlistenByKey push-state)
(events/unlisten history EventType.NAVIGATE))
(defn supported?
"Returns whether Html5History is supported"
([] (supported? js/window))
([window] (.isSupported Html5History window)))

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