1. Installation a. Install from github -> includes output folder, company.csv, pitchdeck.pptx, pitchdeck.py b. Go to cmd [pip install python-pptx] c.
2. Preparation
a. Company.csv
right click and edit it in a notepad format, list ur company name row by row only. like company A company B company C
b. pitchdeck.pptx Edit File if necessary setup variable to be modify like {COMPANY} , {NAME}, {PRONOUN} and ...
c. pitchdeck.py modify below accordingly. data = { '{NAME}' : "Kim Shi Tong", '{PRONOUN}' : "Mr", '{PHONE}' : "81754200", '{MONTH}' : "June", '{YEAR}' : "2023" }
- Execute and run, retrieve folder in company.csv
Notes Double-Check the output of those company name that contains special character