- Install Node.js Latest LTS Version from https://nodejs.org/en/download/
- Install VS Code from https://code.visualstudio.com/download
- Follow the installation steps in https://github.com/MihanEntalpo/allure-single-html-file#installation to merge allure report to single file
- Clone the repo
- Run
npm ci
command to install all dependencies
- To auto-format the files
npx prettier --write .
- To check the file format
npx prettier --check .
- Add API configuration in cypress/fixtures/tests folder which has below params
- API/Test Name
- Comma separated roles
- API Method
- Headers
- API Payload as JSON file which is under cypress/fixtures/testData folder
- Ignore flag
- Configure the API base URL in cypress/support/constants/<track_name>/baseUrl.ts
- Configure the roles in cypress/fixtures/configs/roles.json
- Add RBAC resource mapping in cypress/fixtures/rbac/resource_mappings.json
- Create test spec file in cypress/e2e folder
- Import methods from requestHelper.ts which would run and validate generic tests by default
- Add API specific tests using cy.request()
Set the environment and user credentials by setting below environment variables
Variable Sample Value CYPRESS_BASE_URL https://cloud-dev.test.com CYPRESS_API_BASE_URL https://ui.api.cloud-dev.test.com CYPRESS_PA_ST_HCAAS_USER pa_st_hcaas@test.awsapps.com CYPRESS_PA_ST_ONLY_USER pa_st_only@test.awsapps.com CYPRESS_PA_HCAAS_ONLY_USER pa_hcaas_only@test.awsapps.com CYPRESS_PA_LCA_USER pa_lca@test.awsapps.com CYPRESS_PORTAL_PASSWORD P@ssw0rd -
Run below command to run the tests in CI mode
npm run cy:test -- -b chrome
- Login to the app and extract JWT token
- Extract user details from /user/details API
- Extract customer contracts from /accounts/info API
- Verify duplicates in an array of strings/objects
- Match API response with JSON schema
- (Deep) compare JSON objects
- Verify the list of strings are in ascending/descending order
- Generate random number
- Generate random string
API Requests (from JSON test template)
- Prepare Request Headers dynamically
- Prepare Request Payload dynamically
- Generate dynamic tests for Missing JWT Token
- Generate dynamic tests for Invalid JWT token
- Generate dynamic tests for Missing Authorization Header
- Generate dynamic tests for Missing puid/cuid/customerId headers
- Generate dynamic tests for Invalid puid/cuid/customerId header values
- Generate dynamic tests for RBAC Tests
- Clear Report
npm run report:clear
- Generate Report
npm run report:generate
- Open Report
npm run report:open