Hackathon Resourses Sheet This list contains resources that help a "hacker" build stuff with ease and in an efficent way . Github Student Developer Pack Contents Software Hackathon-Starters WireFraming Web-Development Web-Development-Tools App-Development APIs Storage Machine-Learing-AI Project-Management Deployment Version-control Text-Editors Hardware Miscellaneous YouTube-Playlist Other-HackerBoards Software Hackathon-Starters Project-Guidelines HackTips & Boilerplates WireFraming MoqUps AdobeXD Axure Web-Development Learn HTML CSS JS PHP 1 2 Browser-Testing Web Server Templates Web-Development-Tools Validator 1 2 Responiveness App-Development Android iOS React-Native Expo.io APIs Public-APIs API-List Storage DropBox Google Drive Code-Snippet-Sharing HasteBin NotePad Machine-Learing-AI OpenCV IBM Watson Microsoft Azure YouTube - Siraj Raval Google Developers Playlist CS50 - ML Tools Project-Management Slack Trello Deployment Heroku DigitalOcean Github-Pages Google App Engine Surge Version-control Github - Learn to use Git BitBucket - Learn to use BitBucket Text-Editors Sublime Text Atom Emacs Vim - Basic Usage Hardware Arduino 1 2 Raspberry Pi Sensors Node MCU Circuit Simulation Miscellaneous Awesome - A Bunch of Learning resources in a single list Learn-Anything.xyz - Mind-Maps Amazon Alexa IOT YouTube-Playlist The New Boston Derek Banas Other-HackerBoards MHacks NYHackathons