This package is intended to facilitate candidate gene analyses by allowing the curation of functional 'neighborhoods' for a list of initial genes ('seed genes'). A snapshot can be queried for biological pathways that contain any of the seed genes. After selecting a list of interesting pathways, the set of all genes participating in these pathways can be pruned by the edge-distance in the graph defined by a set of predicted functional gene-gene interactions [1].
The most current developments version can be installed via
Tagged releases are available via, e.g.,
To facilitate interactive pathway cluster curation, a shiny app is distributed together with the package. The shiny app can be run locally via
or online via Links to the most current development version or older tagged releases are available:
The documentation of the package itself is hosted at
[1]: Wu, G., Feng, X., & Stein, L. (2010). A human functional protein interaction network and its application to cancer data analysis. Genome biology, 11(5), R53.