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Erlang telemetry collector

Build Status License Developed at Klarna

system_monitor is a BEAM VM monitoring and introspection application that helps in troubleshooting live systems. It collects various information about Erlang processes and applications. Unlike observer, system_monitor does not require connecting to the monitored system via the Erlang distribution protocol, and can be used to monitor systems with very tight access restrictions.


Process top

Information about top N Erlang processes consuming the most resources (such as reductions or memory), or have the longest message queues, is presented on the process top dashboard:

Process top

Historical data can be accessed via standard Grafana time picker. status panel can display important information about the node state. Pids of the processes on that dashboard are clickable links that lead to the process history dashboard.

Process history

Process history

Process history dashboard displays time series data about certain Erlang process. Note that some data points can be missing if the process didn't consume enough resources to appear in the process top.

Application top

Application top

Application top dashboard contains various information aggregated per OTP application.

Usage example

In order to integrate system_monitor into your system, simply add it to the release apps. Add the following lines to rebar.config:

{deps, [..., system_monitor]}.

 [ {release, {my_release, "1.0.0"},
    [kernel, sasl, ..., system_monitor]}

To enable export to Postgres:

application:set_env(system_monitor, callback_mod, system_monitor_pg)

Custom node status

system_monitor can export arbitrary node status information that is deemed important for the operator. This is done by defining a callback function that returns an HTML-formatted string (or iolist):



node_status() ->
  ["my node type<br/>",
   case healthy() of
     true  -> "<font color=#0f0>UP</font><br/>"
     false -> "<mark>DEGRADED</mark><br/>"
   io_lib:format("very important value=~p", [very_important_value()])

This callback then needs to be added to the system_monitor application environment:

   [ {node_status_fun, {foo, node_status}}

More information about configurable options is found here.

How it all works out

System_monitor will spawn several processes that handle different states:

  • system_monitor_top Collects a certain amount of data from the BEAM for a preconfigured number of processes
  • system_monitor_events Subscribes to certain types of preconfigured BEAM events such as: busy_port, long_gc, long_schedule etc
  • system_monitor Runs a set of preconfigured monitors periodically

What are the preconfigured monitors

  • check_process_count Logs if the process_count passes a certain threshold
  • suspect_procs Logs if it detects processes with suspiciously high memory
  • report_full_status Gets the state from system_monitor_top and produces to a backend module that implements the system_monitor_callback behavior, selected by binding callback_mod in the system_monitor application environment to that module. If callback_mod is unbound, this monitor is disabled. The preconfigured backend is Postgres and is implemented via system_monitor_pg.

system_monitor_pg allows for Postgres being temporary down by storing the stats in its own internal buffer. This buffer is built with a sliding window that will stop the state from growing too big whenever Postgres is down for too long. On top of this system_monitor_pg has a built-in load shedding mechanism that protects itself once the message length queue grows bigger than a certain level.

Local development

A Postgres and Grafana cluster can be spun up using make dev-start and stopped using make dev-stop. Start system_monitor by calling rebar3 shell and start the application with application:ensure_all_started(system_monitor).

At this point a grafana instance will be available on localhost:3000 with default login "admin" and password "admin" including some predefined dashboards.

Production setup

For production, a similar Postgres has to be setup as is done in the Dockerfile for Postgres in case one chooses to go with a system_monitor -> Postgres setup.

How to contribute

See our guide on contributing.

Release History

See our changelog.


Copyright © 2020-2023 Klarna Bank AB

For license details, see the LICENSE file in the root of this project.