The klei-fs
module contains some nice to have addons to the native node.js fs (filesystem) module.
npm install klei-fs
var fs = require('klei-fs');
// Now you can use it as the native fs module,
// and you also have access to klei-fs own functions
- String dir - The directory to read
- Function cb - A callback that is called for each file in the directory, and gets following parameters:
- Error err - An error if something went wrong, or empty if everything is ok
- String file - The full path to the file
- Number index - The index of the file in the files array
- Array files - The files array, containing only the filenames and not the full paths
- Function emptyCb - A callback that is called if the directory is empty
Reads a directory (like fs.readdir), iterates over all files and returns the full file path to the callback. (i.e. you don't have to do a path.join(dir, file)
in order to read the file)
- String dir - The directory to read
- Function filter - The filter method. cb is only called for the files where filter returns a thruthy value.
- String file - The full path to the file
- Function cb - A callback that is called for each file in the directory, and gets following parameters:
- Error err - An error if something went wrong, or empty if everything is ok
- String file - The full path to the file
Reads a directory (like fs.readdir), filters the files with the given filter function, iterates over the filtered files and returns the full file path to the callback. (i.e. you don't have to do a path.join(dir, file)
in order to read the file)
- String file - The file to read
- Function cb - A callback that is called when the file has been read and parsed:
- Error err - An error if something went wrong, or empty if everything is ok
- String json - The parsed json contents of the file
- String path - The directory path to create
- String mode - The mode to create the dir(s) with, defaults to
- Function cb - A callback that is called when the dir(s) have been created:
- Error err - An error if something went wrong, or empty if everything is ok
Creates directories recursively, like mkdir -p
in the shell.