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To enable LDAP authentication/authorization on Pentaho, it's necessary a LDAP server as well as do some configurations on the BA Server.

This repository allows you to create a fully functional LDAP server using docker.

You will find also a set of files and configurations that will switch the authentication from Jackrabbit to LDAP on Pentaho.


  • Tested on Pentaho 7.0

LDAP Server

  • Clone or download this repository.

  • Build your docker image using the Dockerfile as base, or

  • Use the docker compose to manage the container based on a built image available on the Hub Docker (

docker-compose up

Creates a fresh openldap container.

docker-compose stop

Stops a running openldap container.

docker-compose start

Resumes a openldap container.

Pentaho Server

  • Install the pentaho server

  • Stops the pentaho server if it's running

  • Copy recursively the pentaho-server folder to install_pentaho_folder/pentaho-server folder

  • Clear the jackrabbit repository

rm -rf install_pentaho_folder/pentaho-server/pentaho-solutions/system/jackrabbit/repository/*

  • Load the users and groups into LDAP server

docker exec -it openldap /bin/bash

ldapadd -x -D "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com" -w admin -H ldap:// -f /sample.ldif

Users/Groups sub-directories

When it's necessary set some access permission, you can choose the user(s) and/or role(s) from a list.

By default, Pentaho doesn't list those users and groups belonging under sub trees.

To enable Pentaho search recursively the users and groups, follow the steps:

  • Edit the install_pentaho_folder/pentaho-solutions/system/pentaho-spring-beans.xml file

  • Search for the line <import resource="pentahoObjects.spring.xml" /> and add the following configuration before it

<import resource="applicationContext-pentaho-security-ldap-custom.xml" />

  • Starts Pentaho server

  • Logs in using some of the users:







To avoid changing additional config files on Pentaho, was kept on LDAP the same name for the administrator user (admin) and group (Administrator).

Enable debug logging

  • Edit the $SERVER_HOME/pentaho-server/tomcat/webapps/pentaho/WEB-INF/classes/log4j.xml file.

  • Add the following log4j directives, save the file, then restart the server:

<category name="">

<priority value="DEBUG"/>


  • Check the logs on the logs/pentaho.log file.


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