Test your psychic abilities! The User has (lucky number) 7 tries to correctly guess the letter that the Computer is "thinking."
Try It Out: Live Page Here
- At the start of each round, the Computer randomly chooses a letter.
- The User tries to guess the Computer's letter by pressing on any letter key from 'a' to 'z.'
- The letters selected by the User shows up in 'Letters Guessed' for up to 7 times (the number of guesses the User has to select the Computer's letter).
- When the User correcly guesses the letter, the User wins by 1 point.
- When the User incorrectly guesses the letter, the 'Number of Guesses' decreases by 1.
- When the User runs out of guesses, the User loses by 1 point.
- The game restarts once the User wins or loses.
Sample Demo: Link
- JavaScript
- CSS Reset from Meyer Web (Link) is used to reset the default styling of all HTML elements to a consistent baseline in order to better customize CSS
- Background Image from PixaVay (Link)
- Created global variables to store values
- Note: Variable 'numberGuesses' is equal to 7 to represent the number of guesses that the User has
- Function 'randomLetterChoice' returns to the variable 'computerChoice' a random index from the array 'letters' (global variable)
- Function 'resetGame' sets variable 'numberGuesses' and array 'lettersGuessed' to global variable settings. Then, it calls the function 'randomLetterChoice' which resets the variable 'computerChoice'.
- Upon page load, the computer randomly selects a letter when the function 'randomLetterChoice' is called
- The game is triggered by the event 'onkeyup' (the event that occurs when the User releases a key on the keyboard)
- Variable 'userGuess' is the captured by the 'event.key' (the key on the keyboard the User releases captured by event). Note: The 'userGuess' is updated each time a key is released.
- To streamline the process, the built-in JavaScript function 'toLowerCase()' is used to change all keys selected to lowercase because the computer recognizes a lowercase and an uppercase of the same letter as different letter (i.e. 'a' and 'A' are different choices).
- If-else statement: If variable 'userGuess' exists in the array 'letters' (which contains letters from 'a' to 'z'), the game continues that include other if statements (described below).
- Otherwise, if the variable 'userGuess' is not a letter, the User gets an alert to remind the user to select a letter.
- If the 'userGuess' does not select the 'computerChoice', then the number of guesses stored in the variable 'numberGuesses' decreases by 1 and the 'userGuess' is added to (or "pushed") to the array 'letterGuessed', which stores and displays the User's keys guessed.
- If the 'userGuess' selects the 'computerChoice', the User gets an alert of the Computer's letter and the number of wins stored in the variable 'wins' increases by 1 to represent each game won.
- When the the variable numberGuesses reaches 0, the User gets an alert of the Computer's letter and the number of losses stored in the variable 'losses' increases by 1 to represent each game lost.
- Note: When the function 'resetGame' is called, the variables 'wins' and 'loses' are not reset to keep track of the users points.
- Vanilla JavaScript used to dynamically 'getElementbyId' of HTML elements to create text content.
- This is triggered when the game begins (on event 'onkeyup') to keep style the clean before game begins.
About the Developer: Link