This library exposes all the capabilities of the DSC PowerSeries Integration Module as a Java API. With it, you should be able to automate security system tasks and receive notifications of events.
The library is very much a work in progress. It is built using Apache MINA, a library for implementing protocols. The first pass of the API is nearly complete, and usable as is. The most common IT-100 commands and messages are implemented. The less common ones still need implemented. Data is output using the RxJava functional reactive API.
// Configure IT-100 for Serial Port Access
IT100 it100 = new IT100(new ConfigurationBuilder().withSerialPort("/dev/ttyUSB0",19200).build());
// Begin listening to IT-100 commands through an rxjava Observable
Observable<ReadCommand> observable = it100.connect();
// Print all received commands to stdout
observable.subscribe(new Action1<ReadCommand>() {
public void call(ReadCommand command) {
System.out.println(System.currentTimeMillis() + " " + command.toString());
// Send a status request command
it100.send(new StatusRequestCommand());
// Periodically send status request commands to the IT-100. The IT-100 will reply with zone status, etc.
IT100 it100 = new IT100(new ConfigurationBuilder().withStatusPolling(300).withSerialPort("/dev/ttyUSB0",19200).build());
// Send a Status Request Command and wait for it to completely send.
IT100 it100 = new IT100(new ConfigurationBuilder().withRemoteSocket("raspberrypi", 2000).build());
// Configure for Envisalink
// Hostname/IP: envisalink, Port: 4025, Password: user
IT100 it100 = new IT100(new ConfigurationBuilder().withRemoteSocket("envisalink", 4025).withEnvisalinkPassword("user").build());
// Close the connection and port.
// Print only Zone Openings
observable.filter(new Func1<ReadCommand, Boolean>() {
public Boolean call(ReadCommand command) {
return command instanceof ZoneOpenCommand;
}).subscribe(new Action1<ReadCommand>() {
public void call(ReadCommand command) {
System.out.println(System.currentTimeMillis() + " " + command.toString());
// OR...
// Configure Labels
Labels labels = new Labels(it100.getReadObservable(), it100.getWriteObservable());
// Labels will request and collect a list of all Labels from the IT-100. This may take up to a few seconds to complete.
// Get the label for Zone 5
This library is available via Maven Central.
compile 'com.github.kmbulebu.dsc:dsc-it100-library:0.6'
- Replace RxJava dependency with a reactive-streams specification or more likely the Java 9 Flow API.
- Identify and implement remaining DSC commands.
- Support EnvisaLink3 or newer.
- v3rm0n wrote an awesome Virtual Keypad using the dsc-it100-java library, Kotlin, Spring Boot, Websockets, and Angular. GitHub: virtual-keypad
DSC IT-100 Developer Guide, hosted at HomeSeer
NickNack (Project for the automation of the Internet of Things)