Data Storage Benchmark Tool Version 0.5
Data Storage Benchmark Tool
This is the first release of Bench-marking tool for Pravega and Apache Kafka streaming Storage systems.
by default this tool uses the Pravega version 0.5 and Kafka version 2.3.0.
How to Use:
unzip (untar) the file DSB.tar
For example : tar -xvf DSB.tar -C ./ -
For performance bench-marking use this extract binary file : "/DSB/bin/pravega-benchmark" .
below is the help output:
<dir>/DSB$ ./run/DSB/bin/DSB -help
-consumers <arg> Number of consumers
-controller <arg> Controller URI
-events <arg> Number of events/records if 'time' not
otherwise, Maximum events per second by
producer(s) and/or Number of events per
-flush <arg> Each producer calls flush after writing
<arg> number of of events/records; Not
applicable, if both producers and
consumers are specified
-fork <arg> Use Fork join Pool
-help Help message
-kafka <arg> Kafka Benchmarking
-producers <arg> Number of producers
-readcsv <arg> CSV file to record read latencies
-recreate <arg> If the stream is already existing, delete
and recreate the same
-scope <arg> Scope name
-segments <arg> Number of segments
-size <arg> Size of each message (event or record)
-stream <arg> Stream name
-throughput <arg> if > 0 , throughput in MB/s
if 0 , writes 'events'
if -1, get the maximum throughput
-time <arg> Number of seconds the code runs
-transactionspercommit <arg> Number of events before a transaction is
-writecsv <arg> CSV file to record write latencies